February 2025

Hello, Xavier Families!
As we head in to February, I hope your students have thawed from all the snow in January and are starting to find a rhythm with classes and extracurricular activities this semester. If you can believe it, in just two short weeks, academic advising begins for the Summer and Fall semesters.
If your student needs support as they navigate through the semester, please encourage them to connect with our Care and Support Services team who can connect them with the right resources. Your student can schedule an appointment online or email our team at careandsupport@xavier.edu with questions any time.
As a reminder, our new Parent and Family Hub has launched and is being updated regularly with great content just for you!
All for One!
Abbie Hopperton
Director of Parent and Family Engagement
Students are Encouraged to Update their Local Address & Cell Phone Number
Xavier University is asking all students to update their local address and cell phone numbers in Banner Self- Service. Ensuring a student's personal information contains both their home and local addresses allows the University to best provide support to students in urgent or emergent situations. A local address is considered the address where a student lives while taking classes.
Students can update this information by taking the following steps:
- Log in to Banner Self-Service
- Select "Personal Information."
- Select "Add New" under the "Address" section and use the drop down to select "Local".
- Then add the local address where they live while taking classes.
- Students should update their cell phone number to ensure the University has the correct number.
- Please note: This should be the student's number not a parent or guardian's.
VMFC Sponsored Lunch and Learn Sessions
This spring, Xavier's Veteran and Military Family Center (VMFC) will host a number of sessions designed to support our military-affiliated students. The sessions dates and topics include:
- February 12, 2025 – Career Development
- February 19, 2025 – Health & Wellness
- March 19, 2025 – DAV: Employment Opportunities
- March 26, 2025 – StrengthsFinder
We will culminate our spring events with a Month of the Military Child Celebration on April 23!
If you are the parent of a military-affiliated student, please encourage them to participate. They can learn more by reaching out to Dr. Rochelle Garner at garnerr1@xavier.edu
Residence Life News
Spring Break Reminders
- Residential areas remain open for Spring Break which will occur March 10-14. Students staying on campus during this time are asked to complete the Spring Break housing registration form available on Housing Self-Service.
- Please note: Hoff Dining will be closed over Spring Break and other dining and retail hours may vary.
End of the Semester Reminders
- Residential facilities will close at the end of the semester Friday, May 9 at 5 PM.
- Residential facilities will remain open for students who will be graduating until Sunday, May 18 at 10 AM.
- As a reminder, all non-food deliveries should be sent to the mail center on campus rather than to a specific building. There has been an increase in packages being delivered to the halls and it is important that all items go to the mail center for proper pick-up by students. More information about sending and receiving packages can be found on our Mailing Services Center website.
Rising Sophomore Housing Information
The Rising Sophomore Housing Selection process is currently underway. Over 500 Rising Sophomores have completed their housing application for next year already. Please encourage your student to review all the information shared about the process, particularly upcoming deadlines and steps to complete. Additional information about the process can be found on our website.
Student Athlete Support Services News
- Xavier's 333 NCAA Division I student-athletes continue to excel in the classroom with an overall fall semester GPA of a 3.44.
- All 19 teams earned a 3.0 or above team GPA. The Men's Golf team earned the highest overall team GPA with a 3.70.
- Men's Swimming and Women's Soccer were close behind with a 3.63 overall team GPA.
- Overall, half of all athletes (53%) earned a 3.5 or above fall semester GPA.
Summer Course Tuition Reduction
It is not too early to begin thinking about summer plans! Taking a summer course or two is a great opportunity for students to catch up or work ahead on their degree.
This year, Xavier's summer tuition will be 25% off the fall and spring per credit rate, or $750 per credit hour. The summer schedule is available for students to view now on Self-Service, and registration begins March 31. Courses are primarily online, and classes have one of three date ranges:
- May 12 to 23
- May 19 to June 27
- June 30 to August 8
Students are encouraged to talk with their academic advisor about summer options.
May 2025 Commencement Information
As a reminder, be sure to check the Commencement website for all details related to the May 2025 Commencement Ceremony information. If you have questions, please contact our Commencement Team at commencement@xavier.edu.Reminder to File the 2025-2026 FAFSA Form
Any student who wants to be considered for federal and state aid should file the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA). The results of the application will be used to determine student eligibility for grants, scholarships, work-study funds and loans. File the 2025-2026 FAFSA form at fafsa.gov to apply for federal and state aid for Summer 2025, Fall 2025 and Spring 2026.

- February 17 – Midterm Grading Open
- March 3 – Deadline for faculty submission of midterm grades
- March 3 – Fall 2025 Academic Advising begins
- March 10-14 – Spring Break. No day or evening classes. Clinicals/practicums/student teaching and internships may be held. Offices are open.
- March 31 – Summer 2025 registration for all students begins.
- March 31- April 4 – Fall 2025 Priority Registration for all currently enrolled students
- April 14 – Final date for undergraduate students to withdraw from Spring full-term courses.
- April 17-21 – Easter Holiday. No classes April 17-21, with the exception of Monday once-a-week classes which meet after 4 PM on April 21. The University closes on April 17 and reopens at 4 PM on April 21.
The Sedler Center brings next-level experiential learning to Xavier students
As the University’s commitment to experiential learning expands, the Sedler Center stands out as a beacon of innovation.
Learn more about the Brueggeman Fellows with Dr. John O'Keefe and Alyssa Blandford
The Brueggeman Center for Dialogue offers incredible real-world experiences to our students, through the Fellows program. Listen in to learn more about the Brueggeman Fellows program from our Director, Dr. John O'Keefe and a former Fellow, Alyssa Blandford.