Office of Residence Life

MAGIS Foundations

Educational Priority Statement 

An educational priority statement encompasses the purpose and mission of the residential curriculum. It means to connect the major themes and concepts for MAGIS into one aspirational statement, which illustrates what students will have the opportunity to learn as result of taking advantage of living-learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

Residential students at Xavier University will seek to live out MAGIS in their daily lives, to become socially responsible leaders who engage with their communities thoughtfully, ethically, and compassionately. Through intentional living and learning experiences, residents will develop self-awareness, appreciate diverse perspectives, and foster a sense of belonging for themselves and others.

Learning Goals

Learning goals branch the overarching educational priority into more focused, specific themes and concepts. While still broad concepts, learning goals help build a framework for the details (learning outcomes, programs, activities, initiatives, etc.) found within the residential curriculum.

The MAGIS learning goals were developed to reflect several guiding values, principles, and learning outcomes from across Xavier, with particular attention to Xavier's Eight Dimensions of Wellbeing, to intentionally theme and design activities and programs in the residence halls and apartments. When a student is at the end of their time living with us, we want them to be able to confidently answer the guiding questions below and know how they can live out MAGIS themes and wellbeing dimensions to positively impact their own lives and the lives of others.

Meaning & Mindfulness

Guiding Questions

  • What are my core values and beliefs?
  • How do my core values and beliefs influence my actions and decisions?
  • What makes me passionate and gives me purpose?

Wellbeing Dimensions

Learning Goal Narrative

You will encounter multiple opportunities for your mind and heart to be shaped as you learn more about yourself, others, and the world around you. As you engage with these opportunities, you will come to understand and foster a deeper understanding of yourself, your personal mission, your core values and beliefs, and your place in the world. You will discern the impact you hope to make on the community at Xavier and beyond by engaging in meaningful reflection and careful discernment in the spirit of St. Ignatius.
Awareness & Personal Wellbeing

Guiding Questions

  • How do my actions and choices impact those around me?
  • How do I know when I am thriving versus just surviving?
  • When things do not go as expected, how do I react and move forward?

Wellbeing Dimensions

Learning Goal Narrative

Being a member of the Xavier community invites you to be transformed in mind, heart, and spirit. However, this transformation is only possible if you pay close attention to your wellbeing, being mindful of how your choices impact you. Being aware of your overall wellbeing and taking advantage of the resources available on campus and in the community to help you when something goes wrong will ensure that you can participate fully in campus life.

Generosity & Social Justice

Guiding Questions

  • Where do I see injustice in my community and how do I react to it?
  • What biases or assumptions do I hold about others and what steps do I take to address them?
  • How do I create inclusive environments in my personal and academic life?

Wellbeing Dimensions

Learning Goal Narrative

As the world becomes more interconnected and we become aware of the injustices people face based on their identities and backgrounds, you will be called to make a positive impact on those who suffer those injustices. To meet these challenges and live with the goal of instilling justice in your community, you must be aware of any barriers you may have toward making this goal a reality, particularly the biases and assumptions about others which may hold us back from action. When you become aware of these barriers and begin dismantling them, you will become more willing to generously leverage your gifts and values to improve the lives of others.

Involvement & Interconnectedness

Guiding Questions

  • Where and with whom do I find my community at Xavier?
  • How do I make the most of this experience?
  • How can I be an involved member of this community?

Wellbeing Dimensions

Learning Goal Narrative

There will never be a Xavier experience again that is exactly like the one you will have this year. Being involved in life on campus is key to getting the most out of your time living at Xavier. You will find how you fit into the unique community being created by you and your peers by being an active member of that community, openly contributing your unique identities and perspectives along the way. Though we may occasionally discover some friction between us, we must be mindful that these unique parts of ourselves are valid and deserve respect.

Success & Intellectual Growth

Guiding Questions

  • How do I take responsibility for my own learning and career development?
  • How do I balance academic responsibilities with personal wellbeing and my other campus activities?
  • How will I use my gifts to effect positive change in the world?

Wellbeing Dimensions

Learning Goal Narrative

At Xavier, success is defined much more broadly than whether you are simply doing well in your classes. As you learn who you are and discern the ways you hope to grow as a learner and human being during your time at Xavier, you will be challenged to set high and clear goals for yourself to take ownership and responsibility for your academic and personal success. Author Stephen Covey posited that one should “begin with the end in mind.” By adopting this principle, you will ensure that your actions are purposeful, values-driven, and directed at achieving your long-term goals.