Integral Ecology & Sustainability

Tree Campus

Xavier University is recognized as a Tree Campus by the Arbor Day Foundation. This recognition honor colleges and universities for effective campus forest management and for engaging staff and students in five conservation goals:
• maintaining a tree advisory committee
• campus tree-care plan
• dedicated annual expenditures for the campus tree program
• an Arbor Day observance
• student service-learning project

Tags are displayed on trees to show the benefits each will contribute throughout the next decade, including carbon-dioxide reduction and electricity savings as part of a service learning project.tree-campus-arbor-day-banner-1.png

Xavier Trees

American Beech

American Sweet-gum

American Sycamore

Autumn Blaze Maple

Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

Burr Oak

Carolina Silverbell

Carrie Hawthorn

Cherokee Princess' Flowering Dogwood

Cucumbertree Magnolia

Dawn Redwood

Falling Water Bald Cypress


Honey Locust

Japanese Cedar

Lacebark Pine

Little Limelight Hydrangea

Northern Catalpa

Regal Prince Oak

Ruby Falls Redbud

Shingle Oak

Southern Catalpa

Swamp White Oak

Sweetbay Magnolia

Umbrella Magnolia

Whitespire SR. Birch

White Ash

Weeping Katsura

Yoshino Cherry
