Integral Ecology & Sustainability

Cucumber Magnolia

Magnolia acuminata



The Cucumber Magnolia is a large tree that can grow 60-75 feet tall and wide! Its 6-10 inch leaves are a deep green color in summer and a soft yellow brown in the fall. All flowers are different looking depending on the tree but have generally the same look. Many are a greenish white color while some are yellow or white. After the flower stage grows in a cucumber like fruit that turns from green to red as it matures. While the flowers and fruit are beautiful they are often missed because they typically reside at the top of the tree. This tree is spread throughout the upper Midwest and a few east coast states.


This tree thrives on wooded slopes and banks of streams. This tree likes water with moist soil but grows best in either sun or shade. This tree is strong against many diseases and pests however it cannot stand extreme drought or pollution. These trees, since they are fruit bearing, can be easily propagated to plant new trees!

Biodiversity Sustained

This tree attracts birds and is a great place for nesting due to its large dense leaves. Along with this when its fruits fall to the ground the seeds are still enclosed, which makes them the perfect food source for birds, squirrels, mice, and many other small mammals.

On Xavier's Campus, over the Next Decade, this Tree will:

Stormwater Runoff Intercepted: 25,650 Gallons

CO2 Reduction: 3,920 lbs

Electricity Savings: 680 kilowatt/hours

Environmental Benefits (in US dollars): $460