Integral Ecology & Sustainability

Laudato Si' Action Platform Steering Committee

The Laudato Si' Action Platform, or LSAP, is divided into 7 working groups each focusing its sustainability initiatives on one of the 7 goals defined in Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical.  These working groups are each supported by leadership from across the university.  The groups and leadership are as follows:

Response to the Cry of the Earth - Peter Smith (Physics Department)

Response to the Cry of the Poor - 

Ecological Economics - Julie Hoffmann (Business Analytics and Information Systems)

Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles - Marybeth Sullivan (Health and Wellness)

Ecological Education - Dr. Mollie McIntosh (Biology Department)

Ecological Spirituality - Fr. Eric Sundrup (Mission and Ministry)

Community Empowerment and Resilience - Beth Boland (Accounts Payable)

This leadership is further supported in advisory capacity by JP Parham (Student Athlete Academic Support Services), Bob Sheeran (Financial Administration/Facilities), and Tim Sundrup (University Sustainability Coordinator).