Student Employment

Student Employee Terminations


Student Resignations:

When a student finds it necessary to resign or otherwise terminate employment, the student should notify the supervisor or department supervisor as early as possible, but preferably no later than two weeks prior to the last date of work. An exit interview between the employee and the supervisor should take place prior to or on the student's last day of work.

If a student employee has left your position for any reason other than graduation, complete the Student Employment Termination form.



When there is a disagreement between employer and student employee concerning employment, prompt and judicious action is necessary. Accordingly, the time limits outlined below for the processing of grievances are extremely important. The grievance procedure provides for a four-step plan utilizing established administrative levels. All university Harassment Code and Accountability Procedures are applicable.

4-Step Disciplinary Action Procedure

When a student employee's performance does not meet performance standards, the following 4-Step Disciplinary Action Procedure should be followed:

  1. Counseling: In many instances, take into consideration that this may be your student's first job. In private, talk to your student and offer tools to help turn the situation around. Give reasonable expectations and time frames for your student to meet for their improvement. (Make note of this conversation and maintain in your files.)
  2. Verbal Warning: In private, the student employee should be told again in explicit terms how the job requirements are not being met. The supervisor should then provide specific suggestions for improved performance. Evaluation of performance should be based on job-related criteria only. A copy of verbal notification should be given to both the student and the Student Employment Office to be placed in the student's employment file.
  3. Written Warning: If the student's performance continues to fall below required standards, the student should be informed in writing of these deficiencies. The supervisor should send a copy to the the Student Employment Office to be placed in the student's employment file.
  4. Written Termination: If, after at least one written warning, the student's work performance continues to be unsatisfactory, the student may be terminated from the position. At such time, the student and the the Student Employment Office must be notified in writing of the termination, as well as a Student Employment Termination form with documentation. All notices of termination will be placed in the student's employment file.

In the case of a flagrant violation of university rules, such as dishonesty, rude or discourteous treatment of the public, or under other mitigating circumstances, the student may be terminated immediately.

Whenever disciplinary actions are taken, it is essential that (1) each problem be investigated thoroughly so that the facts of the situation are known, (2) any action taken be primarily corrective rather than punitive and be appropriate to the offense, and (3) the dignity of the student is respected.

Any student who has been terminated from two on-campus assignments will be reviewed by the Student Employment Office and the Financial Aid Counselor to determine future financial awards. Termination from three (3) on-campus positions will result in the student becoming ineligible for on-campus employment.