Connection Center Desk Services & Borrowing Privileges: Find more information on holds, course reserves, lamination, and all the items available for checkout like umbrellas and calculators. Find more information on library fines. There is also information on alumni and visitor privileges.
Resource Sharing: University Library can obtain books and journal articles not owned by Xavier University. Students, faculty, and staff can search for and order books or journal articles through the following services.
Finding Books by Call Number: Please see a student employee or a librarian at the Connection Center Desk for further assistance.
Laptop Checkout: The Xavier community can checkout laptops for part or all of the day while on campus. Battery lasts 6 hours when fully charged, and chargers are also available for checkout. These Windows machines are set up to connect to Xavier wi-fi and already have Respondus installed. Information about laptops and other items for checkout can be found in the subject guide CLC Desk Services.
Lockers: Located on the 2nd floor of the CLC. Xavier students may rent a locker for $5 each semester at the CLC Service Desk. (The Library reserves the right to open and search any locker.)
In accordance with Xavier University's Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy, University Library is committed to diversity and fostering a culture of full inclusion for our patrons by striving to provide accessible digital information. The Library Digital Accessibility Group is readily available to assist individuals with disabilities in accessing the library's digital resources. For persons with disabilities needing assistance with the library's digital resources, please email the Library Digital Accessibility Group.
University Library Faculty Mini-Grants
University Library Faculty Mini-Grants Recipients
Ask a Librarian: Knowledge Base
Ask a Librarian: Contact a Librarian
Library Prize for First-Year Seminar Students
Library Prize for First-Year Seminar Students Previous Winners and Nominees
Zotero (software citation management system)
Copyright Resources for Faculty
Programs & Events: Planning an on-campus program or event? Learn about University Library event space and services.
Exhibits: To encourage the presentation of student, faculty, and staff creative activity and scholarly research, University Library offers exhibition space on the third floor of McDonald Library. The space includes three glass display cases and one 19’ wall equipped with a hanging display system. University Library offers a supply kit for exhibit installation and display. The exhibit supply kit contains risers, easels, frames, label holders, display sign holders, foam core, and other general exhibit supplies. Complete the exhibit space request form to request use of the exhibit space and supply kit.
Annual Events:
To search for current course reserves by course click search by course
To search for current course reserves by professor click search by professor
Scanning Request Form: Use this form if you post your own materials into Canvas or for your personal research purposes.
Upload Scans into Canvas Course Form: Use this form to request material to be scanned and uploaded into Canvas in specific modules within your Canvas Course.
Copyright Help Request Form: Use this form to request an answer to a specific copyright question concerning your course or materials you want to use in your course.
Exhibit's Request a Syllabus Form
Exhibit's Student Submission Permission Form
Library Review for New Course or Program Request Form
Makerspace's 3D Print Request Form
Deed of Gift Permission Form: online | print (pdf)
Patron Registration Form: online | print (pdf)
Publish, Exhibit, or Display Materials Request Form: online | print (pdf)
Records Transmittal Form: print (pdf)
System/Access Issues: To report and issue or to read about recent system and access updates and notifications.
Report a Library Full-Text Access Error
IT Help: To request IT help, view open tickets, learn about IT provided services, access the IT knowledge base, or change your password.