University Library

Library Prize Winners & Nominees

About the Library Prize for First-Year Seminar Students

2023-24 Winners

  • First Place: Maggie Costello / Dr. Miti von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Second Place: Gavin Steele / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Third Place: Devon Hage / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains

2023-24 Nominees

  • Kate Alt / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Kate Bettlach / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Sam Blair / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Abby Bocian / Dr. Miti von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Emily Boggs / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Leo Coletta / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Maggie Costello / Dr. Miti von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Devon Hage / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Mahala Henderson / Dr. Miti von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Olivia Kirk / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Camille McKoy / Ms. Madeleien Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Olivia Munson / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Maame Osei-Owusu / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Gavin Steele / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Maci Taylor / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Abby Tigar / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Anna Woeste / Dr. Miti von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal

2022-23 Winners

  • First Place: Mallory Nowicki / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Second Place: Stephen Carbone / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Third Place: Alex Smith / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression

Margaret Martin and Mallory Nowicki

Stephen Carbone and Kelly Austin

 Alex Smith and Madeleine Mitchell





2022-23 Nominees

  • Stephen Carbone / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Ellie Flaherty-Lovy / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression
  • Katrina Kauffman / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Mallory Nowicki / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Maya Pickett / Dr. Jagan Jacob / No Stupid Questions
  • Sophia Preisler / Dr. Randy Browne / Uprisings
  • Belle Schmid and Harrison Taylor / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Alex Smith / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / Art of Expression


2021-22 Winner

  • First Place: Carley Ryan / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
Carley RyanCarley Ryan

2021-22 Nominees

  • Mary McMurray / Dr. David Reid / Rereading Frankenstein
  • Jack O'Brien / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Carley Ryan / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains
  • Katie Solinsky / Ms. Kelly Austin / Growing Pains


2020-21 Winners

  • First Place: Luke Denecker / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Second Place: Aaron Ripley / Ms. Jane Conzett / Metaphor, Memes, and the Power of Language
  • Third Place: Sam Skelley / Dr. Marita von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal

Luke Denecker, Aaron Ripley, and Sam Skelley holding their awards in front of an aisle of books in the Xavier University LibraryLuke Denecker, Aaron Ripley, and Sam Skelley

2020-21 Nominees

  • Emma Bredemeyer / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Kathleen Cagle / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression
  • Alise Chavis / Dr. ShaDawn Battle / State-Sanctioned Violence
  • Caroline Colby / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression
  • Madeline Cutinello / Dr. Marita von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Elizabeth D'Arpa / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression
  • Luke Denecker / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Caitlin Diamente / Ms. Margaret Martin / Food on the Move
  • Julianne Hahn / Ms. Jane Conzett / Metaphor, Memes, and the Power of Language
  • Sam Kohlhepp / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Joey Jacob / Ms. Jane Conzett / Metaphor, Memes, and the Power of Language
  • Imani Joshi / Ms. Jane Conzett / Metaphor, Memes, and the Power of Language
  • Anna Kahle / Dr. ShaDawn Battle / State-Sanctioned Violence
  • Olivia Pendleton / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression
  • Aaron Ripley / Ms. Jane Conzett / Metaphor, Memes, and the Power of Language
  • Sophia Schutte / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression
  • Sam Skelley / Dr. Marita von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Makayla Wilson / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression
  • Jenna Wood / Ms. Madeleine Mitchell / The Art of Expression


2019-20 Winners

  • First Place: Nora Krukowski / Dr. Renee Zucchero / Should We Treat Mental Illness?
  • Second Place: Madison Martinez / Dr. Jodi Wyett / Pride and Prejudice
  • Third Place: Emily Massey / Dr. David Reid / It's Alive! Rereading Frankenstein
Nora Krukowski, Madison Martinez, and Emily Massey smiling in front of an aisle of books in the Xavier University Library
Nora Krukowski, Madison Martinez, and Emily Massey

2019-20 Nominees

  • Dee Corcoran / Dr. David Reid / It's Alive! Rereading Frankenstein
  • Abbigail Davis / Fr. Nathan Wendt, S.J. / Locked-up Living
  • Nora Krukowski / Dr. Renee Zucchero / Should We Treat Mental Illness?
  • Madison Martinez / Dr. Jodi Wyett / Pride and Prejudice
  • Emily Massey / Dr. David Reid / It's Alive! Rereading Frankenstein
  • Tom O'Callaghan / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Austin Parkes / Fr. David Inczauskis, S.J. / Movies and Their Meaning
  • Margaret Schroeder / Dr. Niamh O'Leary / Villains and Antiheroes
  • Adeyah Shine / Dr. Marita von Weissenberg / Marriage
  • Natalie Toweson / Fr. Nathan Wendt, S.J. / Locked-up Living
  • Karolina Zawadzka / Fr. David Inczauskis, S.J. / Movies and Their Meaning


2018-19 Winners

  • First Place: Olivia Pletcher / Mr. Don Prues / Borderlands of Being Human
  • Second Place: Sarah Ray / Dr. Renea Frey / Personal Writing, Public Good
  • Third Place: Sophie Boulter / Dr. Timothy Brownlee / Catastrophe
Assistant Library Director Alison Morgan, Olivia Pletcher, and Don Prues smiling together in front of an aisle of books in the Xavier University LibraryAssistant Library Director Alison Morgan, Olivia Pletcher, and Don Prues


Sarah Ray holding her award smiling next to Dr. Renea Frey in an aisle of books in the Xavier University LibrarySarah Ray, and Dr. Renea Frey


Assistant Library Director Alison Morgan, Sophie Boulter, and Dr. Timothy Brownlee smiling together in front of an aisle of books in the Xavier University LibraryAssistant Library Director Alison Morgan, Sophie Boulter, and Dr. Timothy Brownlee

 2018-19 Nominees

  • Sophie Boulter / Dr. Tim Brownlee / Catastrophe
  • Meghan Graber / Mr. David Reid / Rereading Frankenstein
  • Tyler Krol / Ms. Daphne Miller / Capital Punishment
  • Shane Leonard / Dr. Frank Rzeczkowski / Confederate Monuments
  • Roark Lundal / Dr. Rachel Chrastil / Paris
  • Nick Merk / Dr. Martin Madar / God on Trial
  • Samantha Mossing / Dr. Bill Madges / Can Only One Religion Be True?
  • Olivia Pletcher / Mr. Don Prues / Borderlands of Being Human
  • Eliot Pulling / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Sarah Ray / Dr. Renea Frey / Personal Writing, Public Good
  • Aaron Ticknor / Mr. Christian Sheehy / Non-linear Storytelling
  • David White / Dr. Jill Segerman / Happiness
  • Hayden Ybarra / Dr. Jodi Wyett / Hamilton: Then and Now


2017-18 Winners

  • First Place: Sarah Dempsey / Dr. Marcus Mescher / Beyond Hookup Culture
  • Second Place: Aileen Romano / Ms. Anne Davies, Ms. Anne Ryckbost, Ms. Alison Morgan / Exploring Xavier's History
  • Third Place: Adams Freeman / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan

Adams Freeman, Sarah Dempsey, and Aileen Romano holding their awards and smiling together
Adams Freeman, Sarah Dempsey, and Aileen Romano

2017-18 Nominees

  • Sarah Dempsey / Dr. Marcus Mescher / Beyond Hookup Culture
  • Adams Freeman / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Peter Korchak / Dr. Miti vonWeissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Haley Welch / Dr. David Reid / Rereading Frankenstein
  • Aileen Romano / Ms. Anne Davies, Ms. Anne Ryckbost, Ms. Alison Morgan / Exploring Xavier's History
  • Danielle Stone / Dr. Marcus Mescher / From Service to Solidarity
  • Colin Terry / Dr. Niamh O'Leary / Villains and Antiheroes


2016-17 Winners

  • First Place: Molly Onders / Dr. Marcus Mescher / From Service to Solidarity
  • Second Place: Maggie Mahoney / Dr. Gabe Gottlieb / Karl Marx and the Communist Revolution
  • Third Place: Sydney Sanders / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
Library Director Ken Gibson, Molly Onders, and Dr. Marcus Mescher smiling together as Molly holds her award
Library Director Ken Gibson, Molly Onders, and Dr. Marcus Mescher


Library Director Ken Gibson, Sydney Sanders, and Dr. Graley Herren smiling together in the Xavier University Library. Gibson and Sanders are holding the award together. Library Director Ken Gibson, Sydney Sanders, and Dr. Graley Herren

2016-17 Nominees

  • Kinzie Baker / Dr. Jodi Wyett / Adapting Jane Austen
  • Gina Deaton / Dr. Richard Polt / Critics of the Digital
  • Maggie Mahoney / Dr. Gabe Gottlieb / Karl Marx and the Communist Revolution
  • Catherine Martini / Dr. Jaylene Schaefer / Healthcare: Privilege or Right?
  • Molly Onders / Dr. Marcus Mescher / From Service to Solidarity
  • Giselle Relic / Dr. Rachel Chrastil / Paris
  • Sydney Sanders / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Derek Seifert / Dr. Rebecca Todd / Real and Imagined Places
  • Anthony Zajac / Dr. Elizabeth Groppe / Biodiversity and the Greater Good


2015-16 Winners

  • First Place: Pat Tilden / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Second Place: Angela Provenzano / Dr. Chris Anderson / Popular Culture and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Third Place: Eric Egan / Dr. Marita von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
Pat Tilden, Angela Provenzano, and Eric Egan smiling together as they hold their awards Pat Tilden, Angela Provenzano, and Eric Egan

2015-16 Nominees

  • Ryan Caliguri / Dr. Amy Whipple / Gimme More: A History of Stuff
  • Eric Egan / Dr. Marita von Weissenberg / Marriage: Crisis and Renewal
  • Caroline Gosser / Dr. Marcus Mescher / Technology: Help or Hurt?
  • Yan Idrissov / Dr. Tom Strunk / Caesar: Tyranny and Political Violence
  • Kyle Kazanfer / Dr. Jaylene Schaefer / Is Healthcare a Right?
  • Hannah Lankswert / Dr. Elizabeth Groppe / Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Biodiversity and the Greater Good
  • Hannah Lodin / Dr. Renee Zucchero / Should We Treat Mental Illness?
  • Angela Provenzano / Dr. Chris Anderson / Popular Culture and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Mikayla Smith / Dr. Rachel Chrastil / Paris
  • Nick Talbot / Dr. Niamh O'Leary / Villains, Vigilantes, and Anti-Heroes
  • Nicholas Tarnowski / Dr. Julia O'Hara / The Aztecs and Mexico City
  • Pat Tilden / Dr. Graley Herren / Bob Dylan
  • Clayton Traylor / Dr. Tim Brownlee / Inequality