Winter Resources
Celebrate the season of winter from December 21st to March 20th with daily reflections, prayers, and quotes.
Daily Reflections
Featured Resources

Leadership Mastery and Moxie in 31 Days: A Guide and Journal for Career Women
Written by Debra Mooney, Ph.D., this modern guide and journal offers ways for women to reflect deeply on their experience of leading and being a woman leader. With short reflections and journaling space this spiral-bound book is the perfect resource for both established and aspiring women leaders.
Order Leadership Mastery and Moxie in 31 Days: A Guide and Journal for Career Women
Ignatian Journal
This handsome, spiral-bound "undated" planner is perfect for faculty, staff, and students alike. Its pages include quotes, illustrations, and reflections. Use it for your daily schedule or journaling.
Order Ignatian Journal
Do You Speak Ignatian?
A mini-dictionary that defines many of the terms used in conversations in Ignatian and Jesuit circles. More than 70,000 copies of this publication have been distributed around the world.
Order Do You Speak Ignatian?
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