Catholic Identity, Education, and Church
There are 200 Catholic colleges and universities in the United States educating nearly 950,000 students. The institutions have a strong liberal arts core and shared Christian identity, including valuing social and environmental justice, service to the underserved, and attention on the poor and marginalized.
Online Resources
- Conversations on Catholic Identity at a Jesuit University
- Foundational Documents on Jesuit Catholic Education
- Pope Francis
- Vatican Council II
- Catholic Education Video
- World Religions: Catholic-Christianity Video
- Gaudium Et Spes Video
- Gaudium Et Spes and War Video
Jesuit A-Z
- Catholic Identity
- Catholic
- Mass/Liturgy
- Sacrament
- Catholic Intellectual Tradition
- Ex Corde Ecclesiae
- Catholic Church
- Communion of Saints
- Central Christian Doctrines
- Grace
- Incarnation
- Trinity
- Reform of the Catholic Church
- Vatican Council II
- Nostra Aetate
- Gaudium Et Spes
Catholic Colleges & Universities
Featured Resources
Life of St. Ignatius Art Cards
These seven beautiful cards depict scenes from Ignatius Loyola's life as painted by artist Holly Schapker in her collection ADSUM: Contemporary Paintings on Ignatian Spirituality.
St. Ignatius Loyola
Ever wonder how to describe
Ignatian and Jesuit Spirituality?
This brochure written by Br. Darrell Burns, S.J. does just that. Providing a contemporary description of the tradition, it is an ideal resource for new students, faculty, and staff.
The Spirit of a University
This 20-page photograph-filled primer encapsulates six characteristics of Ignatian spirituality, including an introduction to the Spiritual Exercises and the Examen.
Order The Spirit of a University
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Jesuitresource.org is developed by The Center for Mission and Identity at Xavier University with support from the Conway Institute for Jesuit Education. Learn more about Jesuit Resource.