Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

Embracing Hope, Shaping Tomorrow: Celebrating Jubilee 2025


Pope Francis delivered "Spes Non Confundit," ("Hope Does Not Disappoint") papal bull on May 9, 2024 in front of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. This decree states that the year 2025 will be a year of Jubilee. The doors will be opened on Dec. 24, 2024, and closed on Jan. 6, 2026. The theme is centered around pilgramage, as Francis states "travel to Rome in order to experience the Holy Year and to all those others who, though unable to visit the City of the Apostles Peter and Paul, will celebrate it in their local Churches." 

What is a year of Jubilee? Where did it start?

Also known as  a "Holy year", a year of Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. It is a time of spiritual renewal, pilgrimage, and reconciliation that occurs every 25 years. In special cases, the Pope has called for extraordinary years of Jubilee. This can be seen in the case of the 2016, when the pope called for a year of mercy and for the faithful to know the face of God's mercy - Jesus Christ. 

The concept is rooted in the biblical tradition found in the Old Testament, where a jubilee year occurred every 50 years, and was marked by the forgiveness of debts, liberation of slaves, and the return of land to its original owners. The occasion is set by counting off “seven Sabbaths of years,” or seven times seven years. The fiftieth year, then, is to be the Year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-10). Christian Jubilee formally began in the Roman Catholic church in 1300, instituted by Pope Boniface VIII.

Vatican and Jubilee Resources

Hope Quotes and Prayers



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The Daily Examen Prayer Card

The Daily Examen Prayer Card

The Examen, a prayer of awareness that Ignatius of Loyola taught in his Spiritual Exercises, helps one notice God's presence in our daily lives. This modern adaptation invites reflection upon five points for spiritual thanksgiving, grace, and introspection. The 3.5"x2" card fits easily in wallets and purses for your convenience. It is sold in packs of 10 for $7.50.

Order Daily Examen Prayer Card

Do You Speak Laudato Si'?

Do You Speak Laudato Si'?

This ‘green’ desktop primer, printed on recycled paper – of course!, defines many of the environment-related terms used in Catholic social action and education circles. Purchase a pack of 10 for $20.

Order Do You Speak Laudato Si'?

Spiritual Exercises for the 21st Century

21st Century Spiritual Exercises

This workbook is designed to support your experience of Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises. Like the Exercises, it is divided into four sections, or four "weeks," that represent discreet steps in a process of spiritual transformation. While the book supports some experience of the Exercises -- a 30-day retreat, an 8-day retreat, and a retreat "in daily life" or in some form of spiritual direction relationship -- it is also more a general invitation to begin to make the changes in our lives that we and our world deeply need. $12.50 per workbook.

Order Spiritual Exercises for the 21st Century

Ignatian Spirituality is...


This 20-page photograph-filled primer encapsulates six characteristics of Ignatian spirituality, including an introduction to the Spiritual Exercises and the Examen. Purchase for $3.25. 

Order Ignatian Spirituality is...

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We hope that you find the resources on this page helpful in your reflection and prayer.
Throughout the Jubilee Year we will continue to update this page with new resources.