Online Learning and Accessibility Resources
Accessibility: The design of products, software, hardware, and environments for people with learning differences.
Online Learning
Teaching Online Will Make You a Better Teacher in Any Setting - Online
Kevin Gannon
A Best Practice Checklist for Jesuit Education and Online Learning - Online
Dr. Jill Segerman
Universal Accessibility
Best Practices
- Cornell Web Accessibility Primer
- Checklist for Website Accessibility
- Basic Accessible Design Principles for Web Pages
- North Carolina State Accessibility Checklist Primer
- How Do You Create a Learning Environment?
Accessibility Training
- How To Design for Color Blindness
- California State University Web Accessibility Rubric
- Steps to Creating a Word 2010 Document Accessible
Other Resources
- Accessibility and the Mission Video
- Characteristics of Jesuit Education Video
- Men and Women for Others Video
- Ignatian Spirituality: The World is Charged with the Grandeur of God Video
Featured Resources

Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy
This colorful, double-sided desktop primer has basic facts about Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy on one side and the Gifts of Our Ignatian Heritage (mission, reflection, discernment, solidarity and kinship, service rooted in justice and love and justice, cura personalis and magis) defined on the other side.
Order Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy

A Best Practice Checklist
This brochure is a guide for best practices in on-line instruction, today’s fastest growing educational model. Purchase a pack of 10 for $12.50.
Order A Best Practice Checklist

Teaching to the Mission
In this updated pedagogical resource, faculty describe how they incorporate the Jesuit mission and identity into their specific courses, from chemistry to marketing to theology.
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Jesuitresource.org is developed by The Center for Mission and Identity at Xavier University with support from the Conway Institute for Jesuit Education. Learn more about Jesuit Resource.