Ecology and Sustainability Resources
Laudato Si Explained
Pope Francis' Encyclical: Laudato Si' May 24
The Vatican announced a Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year (May 24th, 2020 – May 24th, 2021) with the hope that the year and the ensuing decade will “be a time of grace, a true Kairos experience and ‘Jubilee’ time for the Earth, and for humanity, and for all God’s creatures."
Online Highlights of Laudato Si'
- Laudato si’ & Covid-19: Can praises still be sung in a strange land? 2020
- Pope backs integrated ecological protection June 11, 2019
- Pope to young economists: 'together for global change' May 11, 2019
- Laudoto Si' inspires solutions to environmental problems December 12, 2017
- Pope, Patriarch: Care for creation includes respect for people September 1, 2017
- The Renewed Importance of Pope Francis's Encyclical on Climate Change June 2, 2017
- September 20, 2015
- and applied ethics August 15, 2015
- Ten realizations arising from Laudato Si' July 31, 2015
- International Statement endorsed by AJCU, "In Response to Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home: A Statement of Leaders in Catholic Higher Education Globally" June 21, 2015
- A summary of Laudato Si' in two to ten minutes June 18, 2015
- Ten key excerpts from Pope Francis's encyclical on the Environment June 18, 2015
- High Level Launch for Pope's Encyclical June 10, 2015
- June 1, 2015
- May 13, 2015
- Read St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of Creatures (Prayer of Praise)
Multifaith Perspectives
Foundational Documents on Ecology and Mission
Higher Education
- Climate Change: Morphing into an Existential Threat Video of Pope Francis's Climate Scientist V. Ramanathan, Ph.D. of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
- Jesuit Education: Forming Human Beings in Harmony with their Fellows, with Creation and with God. by Superior General Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ, October 20, 2017.
Catholic Identity
The Place of Sustainability and the Environment within Roman Catholic Thought: Remarks by Michael J. Graham, S.J.,
Sustainability and Catholic Higher Education: A Toolkit for Mission Integration which is published by eight national Catholic organizations, including the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, 2011
Catholic Social Teaching and Ecology Fact Sheet, J. McCarthy SJ, 2006
Jesuit Catholic Identity
- Ignatian Pedagogy for Sustainability: An Overview J Leighter & K Smythe, 2019
- Sustainability and the Jesuit Mission by Kathleen R. Smythe, Ph.D., 2012
- Jesuit Response to Environmental and Ecological Challenges - a history by EcoJesuits.com through 2011
- Healing a Broken World - Jesuit Task Force on Ecology, 2011
- Healing a Broken World - Jesuit Task Force on Ecology, 2010
- Note from Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, SJ to the Society regarding the commitment to nature and the environment, 2011
- General Congregation 35, Decree 3, IV Reconciliation with Creation, 2008
- General Congregation 36 Decree 1 (Reconciliation and Justice)
Superior General Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ, 2016
Ignatian Spirituality
- "The Ecological Examen" by Joseph P. Carver, S.J.
- Ignatian Spirituality & Sustainability by Annette Marksberry, 2011.
- A Daily Examen for Ecology by Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.
Other Sustainability Documents
- Sustainability Initiatives at Jesuit colleges and universities
- Multi-faith Reflections on Climate Change: Bahai, Christian, Jewish, Sikh
The title of Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si' is based on St. Francis of Assisi's prayer Canticle of the Creatures
- A Prayer for Our Earth (from Laudato Si') Prayer Card
- A Prayer for Our Earth (from Laudato Si') Prayer Poster
- A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation (from Laudato Si') Prayer Card
- A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation (from Laudato Si') Prayer Poster
- St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the Creatures Prayer Card
- St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the Creatures Prayer Poster 1
- St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the Creatures Prayer Poster 2
- St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of Creatures (text)
- Prayers for Sustainability
- A Daily Examen of Consciousness of Ecology
- Climate Change: Morphing into an Existential Threat
Video of Pope Francis's Climate Scientist V. Ramanathan, Ph.D. of Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Addressing Climate Change 2008
See and hear Archbishop Celestino Migliore, former Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, addressing climate change. - Responding to Climate Change 2008
See and hear Dr. Jame Schaefer responding to Archbishop Celestino Migliore's address.
Online Seminars
- Sustainability and the Mission
The Center for Mission and Identity and the Office of Sustainability hosted a 3-part program on sustainability (food, consumption, energy) in January 2013 facilitated by XU Sustainability Coordinator - Ann Dougherty P.E.
Teaching to the Mission
Green Analytical Chemistry: Teaching Towards Sustainable and Responsible Choices
Supaporn Kradtap Hartwell, Ph.D. -
The Healing Earth Textbook
Nancy C. Tuchman, Co-Director, International Jesuit Ecology Project, Loyola University Chicago
Michael J. Schuck, Co-Director, International Jesuit Ecology Project, Loyola University Chicago -
Click here for the video introduction to the Healing Earth textbook
Click here for more information about Teaching to the Mission
Sustainability at Xavier University
St. Francis Pledge - The Catholic Climate Covenant
The St. Francis Pledge is a promise and a commitment by Catholic individuals, families, parishes, organizations and institutions to live our faith by protecting God's Creation and advocating on behalf of people in poverty who face the harshest impacts of global climate change.
Click here to take the pledge.
Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges
AJCU Ecology Educators
Featured Resources

Teaching to the Mission
In this updated pedagogical resource, faculty describe how they incorporate the Jesuit mission and identity into their specific courses, from chemistry to marketing to theology.
Click here to order Teaching to the Mission
The Examen for Diversity
This adaptation of the Daily Examen helps one reflect on their experience with diversity with five points for spiritual thanksgiving, grace, and introspection.
Click here to order The Examen for Diversity

Ignatian Journal
This handsome, spiral-bound "undated" planner is perfect for faculty, staff, and students alike. Its pages include quotes, illustrations, and reflections. Use it for your daily schedule or journaling.
Click here to order Ignatian Journal
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Jesuitresource.org is developed by The Center for Mission
and Identity at Xavier University with support from the Conway
Institute for Jesuit Education. To learn more about us.