Integral Ecology & Sustainability

White Ash

Fraxinus americana



The White Ash tree can grow to heights of nearly 80 feet tall and wide, supported by a light gray and ridged trunk. In the fall, the dark green leaves begin to turn to a purplish color, and they have five to nine leaflets per leaf. They have strictly ornamental flowers that turn to winged seeds that float down in the late fall. 


White Ash trees prefer to have full sunlight and well drained, moist soil. They can tolerate many types of soil though, including dry, clay, and alkali type soils and road salts. They are susceptible to emerald ash borers, but besides this are very hardy trees year round. 

Biodiversity Sustained

This massive tree is offers a many resources for animals of all sizes. Deer, beavers, and other mammals are capable of feeding on both its foliage and bark for a source of nutrition. A large variety of birds will take up homes in these trees as well.