Integral Ecology & Sustainability

Fringe Tree

Chionanthus virginicus

Chionanthus virginicus


The fringe tree is a small, deciduous tree that is native to the eastern U.S. It grows as either a wide-spreading, multi-stemmed shrub or as a small tree. the fringe tree's outstanding feature is the fragrant, strap-like, white flowers that bloom in late May to early June. When matured, the fringe tree can grow to be between 12 feet to 30 feet tall, and 12 feet to 20 feet in width.  


Prefers moist, well-drained, acidic soils, and full sun/partial sun exposure. Its grows and flowers best in open areas. Male flowers tend to be more abundant, while female flowers are less numerous, with smaller clusters. 

Biodiversity Sustained

The fringe tree has no serious insect or disease problems. Pollinators such as bees and butterflies are attracted to the tree during its bloom in late spring and early summer. Birds may find the tree useful for shelter and nesting. The dense foliage provides cover.