Integral Ecology & Sustainability

Firefall Maple

Acer x freemanii

Acer x freemanii







The Firefall Maple is native to North America, specifically prominent in Illinois, Maine, and Vermont. This tree is a fast pace grower and can reach up to 60 feet tall and 40 feet wide. In the fall it has a red orange color to it. It has smooth bark with a sliver-gray color.


To thrive this tree needs full sun and moist well-drained soil. Maples are bleeders and will lose large amounts of sap, so avoid pruning them in the spring.

Biodiversity Sustained

The small red flowers that grow on it in early spring provides bees with a food source. It also provides birds with a all you can eat buffet of caterpillars, verticillium wilt (fungus) and maple bladder gall can cause problems for maples.