Evacuation Sites
Please refer to the list below for evacuation sites.
Printable List
Albers Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
Alter Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
Alumni Building - Lower Parking lot near Dana Avenue
Armory - Sidewalk in front of St. Barbara Hall
Bellarmine Chapel - On the Yard in front of the GSC Clocktower
Bellarmine Parish Center - at the Scales of Justice (Brockman)
Brockman Hall - On the Yard in front of the GSC Clocktower
Brueggeman Center - Manor House Courtyard
Buenger Hall - at the Scales of Justice (Brockman)
Campus Services - sidewalk in front of the Cintas Center
Cintas Center - 100 feet from the building by group
Cohen Center - 100 feet from building by department
Commons Apartments - in front of Campus Services
Conaton Learning Commons - in front of Smith Hall main entrance
Edgecliff Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
Elet Hall - on the sidewalk in front of the Sycamore House
Justice Hall
- Residence Hall Students and Staff - On the Yard in front of the GSC Clocktower
- Mezzanine and Mission and Identity Employees - in front of Hailstones Hall
- Chartwells and Currito Employees - In front of the chapel
Flynn Hall - On the steps in front of the Commons
Gallagher Student Center - on the Yard at the Husman Stage
Hailstones Hall - in front of the chapel
Heidt Family Champions Center - sidewalk on Victory Parkway
Hinkle Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
Husman Hall - On the Yard in front of the GSC Clocktower
Joseph Hall - on the sidewalk at the West Parking Lot
Kuhlman Hall - On the Yard in front of the GSC Clocktower
Lindner Hall - Academic Mall on the "X
Logan Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
McDonald Library - Academic Mall on the "X"
McGrath Health Center - on the sidewalk on Cleneay Avenue
Schmidt Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
Schott Hall - Academic Mall on the "X"
Smith Hall - in the Conaton Learning Commons plaza
St. Barbara Hall - at the Armory flagpole
Sycamore House - sidewalk near the Elet sign
Innovation Center - in front of the main entrance to Smith Hall