Emergency Procedures

Lockdown Levels / Alerts

Call 911 or call the Xavier Police Department at 513-745-1000.
What YOU should do in the event of a lockdown alert.
Level I
The threat is nearby but not directly on campus: Exterior doors are locked and access into the school is restricted. No one goes outside until the message is received.
Level II
The threat is inside Xavier University: During a criminal threat, students and faculty and staff are instructed to proceed to the nearest classroom, office or residence hall room where they should lock the door and stay away from the windows. If a person is outside when the lockdown announcement is made, they should run quickly into a building if one is very close or stay low to the ground behind a vehicle, tree or other large object. If a dangerous person is present on campus, it's very important to avoid being seen by them.
Other precautions that should be taken during a criminal threat:
  • Cell phones should be silenced.
  • Lights, electronics, and other equipment should be turned off.
  • Everyone should stay low and away from the windows.
  • Everyone should remain silent and stay very still.
  • Professors or staff members are responsible to record the names of everyone present.
  • It is essential that everyone stays calm and follows any instructions given by Xavier Police officers or other police personnel.
  • Classrooms are locked and everyone stays inside the classroom or inside a room in the building.
  • If the threat is in your immediate area, DO NOT lock the aggressor in your area with you.
  • If you are out in a common area, seek the nearest secure shelter (i.e. a nearby classroom, office, bathroom, etc.).
  • If you are in or near the parking lot, seek shelter in your vehicle and lock the doors. DO NOT leave the campus. Await contact by Xavier Police Officers or other police personnel.
  • Remain in your secured area until further instructions are provided. This may take some time and will require patience.
  • If you are in a classroom or office area, immediately lock the entry door and turn off the lights. Keep students inside, away from windows and take cover if possible.

IMPORTANT: If you are locked down in your office or a classroom or other area, it is important that you remain locked down as police pass through the area to investigate and secure the threat. It is also important that you indicate (if possible) to the police non-verbally that your area is secure and the offender is not in that area. This will be accomplished by giving the police a "thumbs up" as they approach your door or placing the "All Clear" sign in this booklet under your door. If the threat is in your area do not respond to the police. This will signal that there is a potential threat in your area and they will enter the room. If there is no threat in your area the police will move to the next area. REMAIN IN LOCKDOWN!

Once the threat has been contained, a police officer accompanied by a campus representative will move from area to area to release people from the lockdown. Wait for the official release. This will take some time. Please remain in your area as it will be imperative to provide medical assistance if necessary and the police and/or security may need additional information from you regarding the incident.


Level III
Imminent life-threatening danger:
  • Remain calm. Encourage other to remain calm.
  • Immediately cease all activity (i.e. teaching, group work, meetings.)
  • Lock or barricade all doors when possible. Card access doors will be locked during a lockdown but can be opened from the inside.
  • If possible cover any windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into a hallway.
  • Shut the blinds or pull the shades down. Turn off lights and try to give the impression that the room is empty.
  • Stay low, away from windows and doors, and barricade door(s) if possible; use furniture or desks as cover.
  • Sit on the floor or crouch under or behind desks and bookshelves where possible, so as to be as invisible as possible.
  • Immediately put all cell phones into "vibrate" or "silent" mode.
  • Calls to the Xavier Police Department or police should be made only if specific information becomes available regarding the location or conduct of the intruder or if the status of the emergency changes.
  • DO NOT respond to anyone at the door until an "all clear" text message is received or if you are certain it is safe to do so (i.e. if police are at the door).
  • If you are directed by police to leave your secured area, assist others in moving as quietly and quickly as possible.
  • Do not sound the fire alarm in the building unless there is a fire.
  • People may be placed in harm's way when they are attempting to evacuate the building. If a fire alarm sounds during a lockdown, do not evacuate unless you smell smoke or see fire in your area.
  • If you are outside of a building when a lockdown is announced and it is safe to do so, run into the nearest building and follow the above lockdown instructions. If it is not safe to run into a building, hide behind a large heavy object (i.e. vehicle, tree). Notify the Xavier Police Department when safe to do so.
  • Be aware of alternate exits if it becomes necessary to flee.
  • Individuals should not attempt to leave the building until told to do so by police personnel.


Call 911 or call the Xavier Police Department at 513-745-1000.