Emergency Procedures

Active Shooter

Personal Safety Plan

When you believe there is an active shooter nearby:
    • If there is an accessible escape path not in the direction of the active shooter, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to: 
      • Have an escape route and plan in mind. Always take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit.
      • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
      • Leave your belongings behind.
      • Help others escape, if possible.
      • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
      • Keep your hands visible.
      • Follow the instructions of any police officers.
      • Do not attempt to move wounded people.
      • Call 911 when you are safe.
    • If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:
      • Be out of the active shooter's view.
      • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (e.g., an office with a closed and locked door).
      • Do not trap yourself or restrict your options for movement.
      • To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
        • Lock the door.
        • Barricade the door with heavy furniture.
    • If the active shooter is nearby:
      • Lock the door.
      • Silence your cell phone and/or pager.
      • Turn off any source of noise (e.g., radios, televisions).
      • Hide behind large items (e.g., cabinets, desks).
      • Remain quiet.
    • If evacuation and hiding out are not possible:  
      • Remain calm
      • Dial 911, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter's location.
      • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen
    Take action against the active shooter. As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by: 
    • Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her.
    • Throwing items and improvising weapons.
    • Yelling.
    • Committing to your actions.

Warning Signs

It must be stressed—Contact the Xavier Police Department, Residence Life, Office of Student Integrity, Counseling Services or another University official immediately if the intruder:
  • Threatens harm or talks about killing themselves, students, faculty or staff.
  • Becomes frustrated easily and converts frustration into uncontrollable physical violence and constantly starts or participates in fights.
  • Loses temper and self-control easily.
  • Assaults others constantly including immediate family members.
  • Possesses weapons (firearms or edged weapons) or has a preoccupation with them.