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First Year Students

There are four main steps incoming first-year students need to complete in order to be ready for advising. As a first-year student, you will be assigned an academic advisor who will work with you to create an initial schedule for your first term. The advisor will meet with you to review the schedule, review the registration process and make adjustments as needed. In order for an initial schedule to be prepared, you need to complete four steps: 

  1. Road to Xavier - Log into Road to Xavier & complete your profile, including setting up your email. This application allows you to log in and complete a series of tasks to complete prior to orientation. The Road to Xavier checklist includes things like housing application, financial aid information, Manresa details and more. It is important you pay attention to each item to complete before you start your journey at Xavier so that you are ready to register and enroll.  
  1. Complete your Academic Profile: After setting up your email and log-in, use Road to Xavier to complete your academic profile. This profile provides information about your academic interests, First Year Seminar topics you prefer, your intended major, if you applied to a living-learning community, and college courses you have already completed (or AP exams you have taken) 
  1. Complete Language Placement Exam: You will need to take a language placement exam which takes about 30-45 minutes to complete and can only be taken one time. Xavier students are required to achieve proficiency at the 201 level (e.g. Spanish 201). However, not every first-year student will take a language in your first semester; it depends on your major and other requirements. Your language placement exam score determines which language course in which you can be enrolled. Questions about the exam can be sent to the Department of Modern Languages and Classics.    
  1. If needed: Complete Math Placement Exam: You will complete a math placement exam using the ALEKS system. Your ALEKS score along with your intended major determines which math course in which you can be enrolled. However, not every first-year student will take a math course in their first semester; it depends on your major and other requirements. In addition, the ALEKS placement exam can be taken multiple times. ALEKS allows you to practice and complete modules before re-taking the exam. Math requirements look different for each major and are explained on this page.  (Link to math placement explanation) If you have submitted your SAT or ACT score, it is optional to take this exam. 

Once you have completed these tasks, your academic advisor will email you to schedule a time to meet and review your initial schedule. Please check your Xavier email consistently to know when you can schedule a meeting. After you meet, if you have further questions or need to make adjustments to your schedule, you can reach out to your academic advisor.