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Office of Advising and Learning Support

November 2024

The mission of the office is to equip students to confidently navigate their educational journey through personalized academic advising and comprehensive learning support. As we shift towards a more centralized approach, we plan to engage with students, faculty, and staff to develop our advising and learning support model. We have communicated to those students who have new advising assignments to staff within the Office. All other students will retain their current academic advisors.

We will continue to work to refer and collaborate with campus partners to ensure students receive timely support and accurate information as they navigate their academic journey at Xavier. Questions about this new office can be directed to Dr. Melissa Burwell, Dean of Advising,

Who is part of the Office of Advising and Learning Support?

Academic Advising which provides professional advising for first-year biology/biomedical sciences majors along with serving exploratory, APEX, ADC/E, BLA, BLA to ABSN, non-degree seeking and incoming transfer students

Office of Academic Support & Goa coordinates peer-tutoring and supplemental instruction along with providing administrative support and oversight for Goa.

Office of Graduate Student Success is a new/expanded department to support graduate students through connecting with resources and individual coaching. The office coordinates the Graduate Student Association and professional student organizations, and is charged with enhancing the overall graduate student experience.

  • Staff: Jamie Kuhlmeier, Associate Director and in the process of hiring two new Assistant Directors of Graduate Student Success

Student-Athlete Academic Support Services provide quality academic support services that gives student-athletes the opportunity to excel in academics while competing in intercollegiate athletics. From advising to study tables to individual academic support, this office serves as the bridge between the Provost’s area and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.

When and how should faculty or staff refer students to the Office of Advising and Learning Support?

Students in the majors listed above should see the OALS staff for academic advising. Students in other majors keep their current academic advisors.

All students, regardless of their assigned academic advisor, should continue to seek guidance and mentoring from faculty in their majors or departments. Faculty are often the best source of guidance for career and vocational guidance in their fields.

Students who would benefit from course-specific tutoring should be referred to Stephanie Daniels.