Occupational Therapy

OT - Tuition and Fees

Occupational Therapy Program Costs

OT Program Fall 2024    Semester Spring 2025 Semester 2024-2025 Academic Year Program Total          (3.5yr 2024-2027)
Tuitiona $14,864 $14,864 $29,728 $96,382
Lab Feea $35 $45 $80 $337
Liability Insuranceb $18 $72 $90 $432
Booksc $625 $419 $1,044 $2,726
OOTA Membership $25 n/a $25 $100
AOTA Membership $78 n/a $78 $312
Graduate Student Association $15 $15 $30 $105
Repositoryd $25 n/a n/a $25
Graduation Fee            n/a n/a n/a $75
Total $15,685 $15,415 $31,075 $100,494


aAll costs including tuition and fees are subject to change.

bAn $18 liability insurance fee is charged for each course associated with community-engaged learning, fieldwork, or doctoral capstone.

cBook amount reflects average cost of purchasing ‘new’ with some books available via ‘rent’ or ‘used.’ 

dA one-time fee to maintain a lifetime record of all required documents, e.g. immunizations, CPR Certification, criminal background check.

The amounts listed are for the 2024-2025 academic year with the program total, including courses from Fall 2024 through Spring 2027 and costs projected.