Cintas Faculty Fellows
The Cintas Faculty Ethics Fellowship (CFEF) program was established to help full time, tenure track, tenured or teaching Professors, enhance their already well established exposure, and support of initiatives in the areas of Leadership, Ethics, Governance and Sustainability. In year one of the Fellowship, CFEFs will participate in monthly meetings based on readings and videos. These monthly meetings will include: (1) Introduction to Ethical Theory, (2) How to Incorporate Ethics into your coursework, (3) motivations for improper behavior, (4) rationalizations, and (5) corporate culture. If the CFEF has already studied this material as a Cintas Ethics Mentee, the Faculty Ethics Fellow will be asked to sponsor one ethics related event for the WCB in both semesters. In year two of the fellowship, CFEFs who have not previously participated in BUAD681 - International Ethics in London and Paris - can elect to participate in the course. Fellows will prepare for the briefings by reading the course material and submitting short papers on the topics.The Cintas Institute for Business Ethics will pay the reasonable expenses to attend the International Ethics class in London and Paris once. If the CFEF has already participated in the International Ethics course in London and Paris as a Faculty Ethics Mentee, they will not be entitled to have the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics pay for another trip. These faculty Fellows will be asked to sponsor one ethics related event for the WCB in both semesters of the second year.
In addition to the one time participation in the London Paris Ethics course, Fellows are eligible to receive a $4,000 annual award, for the two (2) years of the Fellowship. Up to two (2) Cintas Faculty Ethics Fellowships will be awarded each year. To be considered for the Faculty Fellowship, faculty must be incorporating ethics into a significant portion of at least one of their courses. Special consideration will be given to WCB faculty who have actively participated in Cintas Institute for Business Ethics events. WCB faculty may only be accepted as a Cintas Faculty Ethics Fellow one time. The $4,000 stipend is payable upon successful completion of that year's duties.
Duties of Fellows include attending and supporting Ethics Center events (e.g., monthly meetings, workshops, advisory board meetings, speakers, end of year celebration), organizing ethics related workshops or programs for the college each year of the fellowship, and submitting an end of year report to the donors. Download the 2025-2027 application form.
Application Process:
The application should include an essay (less than 500 words) about how the Fellows program will benefit the applicant in their teaching and research. The application should include a letter of recommendation by the applicant's department chair.