Cintas Ethics Mentor-Mentee Program
The Cintas Ethics Faculty Mentor-Mentee program supports faculty in introducing or building ethics-related pedagogy in their teaching by teaming them with the Director of the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics. During the first year of the Mentee program, participants will engage in readings, watch videos and engage in monthly discussions about: (1) An Introduction to Ethical Theory, (2) How to Incorporate Ethics into your courses, (3) Motivations for improper behavior, and (4) Corporate Culture. If Mentees are not interested in participating in the London Paris course, they will receive a $5,000 stipend upon successfully completing this one year experience.
Faculty interested in the participating in the London Paris ethics course would spend the first year discussing ethics on a monthly basis, and then prepare the coursework for the London Paris trip during the second year. These Mentees will have their reasonable expenses for the London Paris course paid in the second year (covering coach airfare, single hotel room, per diem, excursions, etc), upon successfully preparing for the London Paris ethics course.
Applicants who are selected to be Mentees should let the Director of the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics know which of the following options they choose:
Option 1. Mentees waive the ability to have their expenses paid for the London Paris International Ethics class, taught over Spring Break. Mentees participate in monthly discussions after viewing lectures on ethics over the course of the one year Mentee program. There is no additional work after the first year of monthly discussions. You'll receive a $5,000 stipend without any further compensation from the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics, upon successfully completing the Menteeship first year.
Option 2. Mentees participate in monthly discussions regarding ethics lectures in the first year, and in year 2, Mentees who successfully prepare the coursework for the London Paris International Ethics course will have their reasonable trip costs covered by the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics. These Mentees will not receive any additional stipend from the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics.
Applicants must be full time visiting, full time teaching or full time tenured or tenure track faculty within the Williams College of Business who wish to explore introducing ethics related pedagogy into their course(s).
- Mentees will meet regularly with the Director for the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics during the two semesters of the award to discuss and define the objectives of the mentorship relationship, course enhancements, and review progress.
- In order to participate in the BUAD 681 - International Ethics in London and Paris course over the spring break following the mentee's first year, mentees will be expected to prepare for the company briefings by reading course material and writing several short papers. They will also be expected to work with the students participating on the trip.
- Mentees must be willing to complete a report on their experience, present to faculty colleagues and produce a "tangible product" with respect to ethics pedagogy flowing from the mentor program. This "tangible product" must include a course revision better integrating ethics into the pedagogy. Additional products could include a video, poster session, or pedagogy article. The faculty must also write a thank-you letter to the Farmer Family Foundation, at the close of the mentor year.
- Mentees are expected to attend several events related to Leadership, Ethics, Governance or Sustainability during the mentor period. They should also encourage their classes to attend these events. Additional consideration is given to prospective Mentees who have attended ethics related events, even before they apply to be a Cintas Ethics Mentee.
Application Process:
Click here for the application. The application should include an essay (less than 500 words) about how the mentee program will benefit the applicant in their teaching. The application should include a letter of recommendation by the applicant's department chair. Please click here for the application.
Selection Criteria
Selection as a mentee will be based on demonstrating how he or she anticipates the program may enhance pedagogy and research related to Leadership, Ethics, Governance or Sustainability. The selection committee will be comprised of the Director of the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics, the WCB Associate Dean and two members from the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics Advisory Board. While faculty may only participate in the Cintas Ethics Mentee program once, after a 2 year gap and addition of significant ethics related content to their course(s), they may apply to be a Cintas Faculty Ethics Fellow.