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Math Placement

There are four ways to find the right math placement:

  • Transfer of college-level credit
  • ACT or SAT math scores
  • Advanced Placement (AP) test info
  • The ALEKS Math Placement assessment (more info on ALEKS here)

The information you provide in one of these ways, together with your chosen major, will help determine your math placement.

Students who transfer college-level credit will be placed into the next level up from the transferred credit.

Students who provide ACT, SAT, AP test info, or ALEKS assessment results will be placed into one of the following categories: 105, PRE, ELC, ADV, or 181

Table of math placement scores
Placement ACT SAT ALEKS AP test info
105 0-18 0-500 0-26  
PRE 19-23 510-560 27-54

Precalculus with a score below 4.

You'll also be placed here temporarily if you have not yet received your score.

ELC 24-26 570-610 55-69 Precalculus with a score of 4 or 5
ADV 27+ 620+ 70-84

Calculus AB with a score below 4.

You'll also be placed here temporarily if you have not yet received your score.

181   85-100

Calculus AB with a score of 4 or 5, or Calculus BC with a score below 4.

You'll also be placed here temporarily if you have not yet received your score on the BC test. 


Students who place at the 105 level must take MATH 105 Fundamentals of Mathematics prior to MATH 120 Elementary Functions. (NOTE: MATH 120 is a pre-requisite for MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus.) MATH 105 does not fulfill the Mathematical Perspectives requirement of the Core Curriculum, but does count towards the 120 credit hours needed for graduation.

Students placing at 105 whose majors require MATH 116 Elementary Statistics may take MATH 116 instead of MATH 105.


Students should not take MATH 105. They should choose from any of the following courses:

  • MATH 116 Elementary Statistics
  • MATH 120 Elementary Functions 
  • MATH 125 Explorations in Mathematics
  • MATH 169 Precalculus (Physics, Biophysics, Engineering Physics, and Chemistry Majors only)
  • CSCI 170 Computer Science I
  • BAIS 210 Quantitative Methods (business majors; other majors please see your academic advisor)
  • MATH 211 Foundations of Arithmetic – for Education majors 
  • MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement – for Education majors

Students without specified mathematics requirements in their major are encouraged to take MATH 125, a special topics math course aimed at a general audience.


Students should not take MATH 105, 116, or 120. They should choose from any of the following courses:

  • MATH 125 Explorations in Mathematics
  • MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus
  • STAT 146 Introductory Biostatistics
  • MATH 156 General Statistics
  • MATH 169 Precalculus
  • CSCI 170 Computer Science I
  • BAIS 210 Quantitative Methods (business majors; other majors please see your academic advisor)
  • MATH 211 Foundations of Arithmetic – for Education majors 
  • MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement – for Education majors

Students without specified mathematics requirements in their major are encouraged to take MATH 125, a special topics math course aimed at a general audience.


Students should not take MATH 105, 116, or 120. Depending on the mathematics requirement of their major, students should choose from any of the following courses:

  • MATH 125 Explorations in Mathematics
  • MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus
  • STAT 146 Introductory Biostatistics
  • MATH 156 General Statistics
  • CSCI 170 Computer Science I
  • MATH 180 Differential Calculus 
  • BAIS 210 Quantitative Methods (business majors; other majors please see your academic advisor)
  • MATH 211 Foundations of Arithmetic – for Education majors 
  • MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement – for Education majors
  • MATH 225 Foundations of Higher Mathematics

Students studying calculus may take MATH 181 Integral Calculus provided they have AP or transfer credit for MATH 180 Differential Calculus. Likewise, students may take MATH 182 Sequences and Series or MATH 220 Multivariable Calculus provided they have AP or transfer credits for both MATH 180 and 181.

Students without specified mathematics requirements in their major are encouraged to take MATH 125, a special topics math course aimed at a general audience.


Students should not take MATH 105, 116, or 120. Depending on the mathematics requirement of their major, students should choose from any of the following courses:

  • MATH 125 Explorations in Mathematics
  • MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus
  • MATH 156 General Statistics
  • MATH 180 Differential Calculus
  • MATH 181 Integral Calculus 
  • CSCI 170 Computer Science I
  • STAT 146 Introductory Biostatistics
  • BAIS 210 Quantitative Methods (business majors; other majors please see your academic advisor)
  • MATH 211 Foundations of Arithmetic – for Education majors 
  • MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement – for Education majors
  • MATH 225 Foundations of Higher Mathematics

Students may take MATH 182 Sequences and Series or MATH 220 Multivariable Calculus provided they have AP or transfer credits for both MATH 180 and 181.

Students without specified mathematics requirements in their major are encouraged to take MATH 125, a special topics math course aimed at a general audience.

Mathematical Perspectives

Courses which fulfill the Mathematical Perspectives requirement of the Core Curriculum are: MATH 116, 120, 125, 140, 156, 180, 181, 211, 212, 225 and CSCI 170.

Notes for Non-Math majors

All degree programs offered by the Department of Mathematics require MATH 180, 181, and 182. Students interested in adding a major or minor in a math-related area should consult an academic advisor.

Education majors (only) who place at the PRE, ELC, ADV, or 181 category should choose from the following:

  • MATH 211 Foundations of Arithmetic – MCED  
  • MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement – MCED