Time Ticket, Holds, Typical Errors
During registration, there are some considerations to be aware of so you are able to prepare and register smoothly.
If you have a hold on your account, you will need to resolve it before you are allowed to register or change courses. Common holds consist of bursar holds, disciplinary holds and advising holds. You are able to go into self-service, click registration, and click prepare for registration to determine what hold you have. Bursar hold: Contact the Office of the Bursar. Disciplinary hold: Contact the Office of the Dean of Students. Advising hold: You need to meet with your advisor. “Closed Section”: This means the course is at capacity and that you will need permission to be in the course. Contact your advisor. “Major/Minor Restriction”: This means you must be in a specific major in order to be in that course. If there are other sections, choose those first unless you have instructions from your advisor to register for a specific section. “Waitlist Reserved”: This means those who have already placed themselves on the waitlist get priority for registration for the course. You will have to wait at least 24 hours before a spot becomes available. If there are other sections of the course open, you may consider choosing one or adding yourself to the waiting list if there is space. “Full”: This typically means the section you chose is at capacity. For instance, all 25/25 seats have been filled. You can add yourself to a waitlist or choose another section if it is available. If this is a required course, contact your advisor to see if there is an option to still add the course. “Field of Study”: This means the section is restricted to students in a specific major. “Student Level Restriction”: This means you do not currently have the minimum number of credit hours required to take the course. “Pre-req test score error/Test score error”: This means you did not meet the test score required to take that level course, or that you are missing a prerequisite needed to enroll in that specific course. If you believe you should still be able to register for the course, reach out to your advisor. “Co-Requisite Required”: This means you have not added the other linked course, such as a lab.