Academic Advising Home


The most up-to-date advisor information is located using the MyXU web portal. Click on the Student Services tab and then click on Student Information. You can also contact your success coach.

You should meet with your academic advisor at least once each semester in order to select the courses which you will take during the following semester. However, academic advisors are available to meet whenever you feel it necessary to schedule an appointment.

To change, add, or drop a major or minor, please see this page. If you're changing or adding a major, you'll want to discuss this with both your current academic advisor and an advisor from your new major. They should help you determine a plan for on-time graduation.
No, only department chairs manage enrollment for their disciplines. You must see the department chair to get in a closed section of a course.
You may add courses through the seventh calendar day of the Fall and Spring semesters. Please see the academic calendars for more important dates and deadlines.
In any term, undergraduate students who complete at least six credit hours for letter grades (A, B, C, D, F, VF, I, U) with a grade point average of at least 3.500 are placed on the Dean's List for that term.

Make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to select, discuss and approve courses for the current semester.

After you've made your plan, see registration information. Remember, you may always contact your success coach for additional help with registration.

The first step is to talk to the professor. Your professors can give you the best guidance on how to pass their courses.

You can also talk to your success coach about study skills, time management, and other habits for success. 

You may find it helpful to contact the Office of Academic Support for tutoring.

No, if you do not plan to continue in a course, you must drop the course yourself before the drop deadline in any semester.

You have two options for taking courses at institutions other than Xavier:

Consortium Courses - Courses not available at Xavier may be taken through the Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities. For courses taken through the consortium, both the credit and the grade earned are recorded on the student's Xavier record and the quality points are computed into the student's Xavier grade point average. For a list of the consortium schools, consult the current university catalog. The student must be at least half-time, and must bring written approval for consortium enrollment from the dean of his/her college to the Office of the Registrar. Consortium courses may not be taken in the last 30 hours at Xavier unless approved by a college dean.

Non-Consortium Courses - Students desiring to take courses at an accredited non-consortium university must receive prior approval from their respective dean. Normally, no more than 15 hours may be taken at another institution and applied toward a degree after a student has matriculated at Xavier. The student usually must present a catalog with a description of the desired course. Courses from these institutions are treated as transfer credit. Credit is granted provided a passing grade of "C" or better was earned. The grade is not placed on the student's Xavier record, nor is it computed into the student's Xavier grade point average.

NOTE: This information is intended as a rough guide only. For more details, special cases or unusual circumstances, consult your academic advisor, your success coach, or the associate dean of your college.