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Honors, Pre-Professional, and International Programs

In addition to their major, students may be interested in one of the following programs at Xavier.


University Scholars

University Scholars is an honors program designed for talented students in every college and major. The program brings Honors peers together in small classes that engage content with greater depth and rigor, emphasizing learning across the university and engagement with the world. Students take six Honors courses over the course of four years, choosing from a range of options that overlap with one’s core and major requirements. For additional information about the program, students should contact the program’s Director:                                                   

Dr. Karim Tiro
511 Walter Schott Hall

Honors Data Science (B.S.)

Xavier’s interdisciplinary Data Science Honors Program develops technical skills, ethics, and a series of projects that challenge students to apply their knowledge to serve the community and address issues in society.

Dr. David Gerberry, Director                                 
121 Hinkle Hall

Philosophy, Politics and the Public (PPP) 

Philosophy, politics and the public (PPP) is an interdisciplinary honors program dedicated to a rigorous and wide- ranging examination with a global perspective of the theoretical foundations, historical conditions and practical considerations that sustain the idea of “the public.” Students who are invited to join this challenging program will investigate dimensions of public experience from multiple disciplinary points of view.

Criteria for admission into the PPP honors program includes the completion of an application form and essay. For additional information about the program, students should contact:

Dr. Mack D. Mariani, Interim Director
Phone: 513-508-6849


Pre-Professional Health

It is possible to prepare for many different health professions while at Xavier University. A student interested in nursing, exercise science, or radiological technology should see an academic advisor in the specific program.  Students interested in preparing for professional health programs in allopathic and osteopathic medicine, dentistry, podiatric medicine, veterinary medicine, optometry, physical therapy, chiropractic medicine, physician assisting or pharmacy should meet when needed with the director of pre-professional health advising, Shawn Adkins. Shawn Adkins offers various pre-professional health advising workshops and programming throughout the school year as well. Contact Shawn Adkins or Dr. Robbins for assistance about career choices, academic programs in health services and preparation for admission to professional health schools. 

Shawn Adkins
Director, Pre-Professional Health Advising                                        
Albers Hall 105B

Dr. Jennifer Robbins
Department Chair, Biology
2 Albers Hall


American law schools prescribe neither specific courses nor a specific major for pre-law study.  They pay particular attention to students engaged in a broad program of high quality in liberal arts, including the sciences and business. The degree program should educate the students to assimilate difficult documents and to interpret factual data, to think logically and creatively, to express themselves well orally and in writing, and to acquire a critical understanding of the human institutions and values with which the law deals.

Sean Rhiney, JD
126 Alumni Center

Education Abroad

Xavier University believes that a study abroad experience as part of a student’s academic program is of great educational value. Students are encouraged to explore this option with their academic advisor and an education abroad advisor in the Center for International Education. 

Steps to studying abroad

Semester options for which Xavier scholarships/financial aid can be used.

Faculty-led summer and break options that can fulfill core and/or major requirements.       

LeeAnn Scherbaur
Director, Education Abroad
230 Gallagher Student Center

International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS)

ISSS offer orientation, advising, and continuous support for international students and scholars throughout their studies at Xavier University.  International students and scholars must navigate through complicated federal visa regulations in order to maintain their legal visa status.  ISSS provides orientation, F-1 and J-1 visa advising, and opportunities for leadership and growth through cross-cultural programs and events.  

Dr. Samuel Saforo Kwapong
Director, International Student and Scholar Services 

Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) - Guatemala and Costa Rica

Augsburg University, Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) has a program that is usually split between Guatemala and Costa Rica (and possibly soon to add Cuba!) that focuses on Peace, Justice and Community Engagement in Latin America. Click here for more information!