Freewrite - Writing Center Blog

March 30, 2025
Create More and Explain Less: An Argument Against Artist Statement RequirementsAlex Deiters | Writing Center Tutor
The first time I was asked to create an artist statement was at a Harry Potter summer camp. My fellow grade-school witches and wizards and I used various...

February 11, 2025
The Writing Assignment that Changed My LifeJamie Kuhn | Writing Center Graduate Assistant
It’s ironic that a writing assignment that required me to mimic someone else’s voice was the first time I found my own. I remember...

December 18, 2024
Writing a Holiday “Hello”Cathy Holt | Writing Center Graduate Assistant
Opening my mailbox in December is more exciting than any other time of the year. Why? Because in that bundle of junk mail and bills, I may also find a...

November 21, 2024
The Give and Take at the Writing CenterJesse Dolojan | Writing Center Tutor
Writing has always been difficult for me. When I was a child, I despised writing papers and planning an outline. And even as an English major, I still...

May 07, 2024
Everyone StrugglesGrayce Nist | Writing Center Tutor
Labeling is a mental strategy that simplifies concepts in our brain. It allows us to categorize ourselves and others into groups so that our brain can...

April 30, 2024
Practicing Your CraftJustin Malone | Writing Center Tutor
As an avid listener of classic rock, jazz, and blues music, I enjoy hearing (and, admittedly, banging my head to) songs from musicians who are known...

April 11, 2024
Moving Forward: The Struggles and Reflections of Unavoidable ChangeLucie Potter | Writing Center Tutor
As a second-semester senior, one word has been a constant: change. Friendships, family, school, and careers will all cease to be what they once were as soon as I...

April 02, 2024
What Batman Fighting Dracula Can Do For You as a WriterMorgan Naranjo | Writing Center Tutor
My biggest advice to improve yourself as a writer is to read. Read anything! (Even if it's the menu in the Caf or the latest viral confession on...

March 24, 2024
A Little Catch Up on Catching UpCora Bidwell | Writing Center Tutor
I woke up not too long ago to a reminder announcement on Canvas from my physics professor that the dreaded midterm exam was scheduled for that week....

November 21, 2023
The Future of Sport: WritingGabrielle Godbout | Writing Center Tutor
As I stood outside the door of my first ever internship, feelings of uncertainty and anxiety hit me.
What will it be like? Will I enjoy the work? What will...

November 08, 2023
PalimpsestTricia Barker | Writing Center Tutor
I was sitting in my English class just a few days ago. We were talking about adaptations of our favorite books, our favorite movies, and the like....

October 25, 2023
Feedback Shouldn’t Be The EnemyEmma Stevens | Senior Writing Center Tutor
Feedback is an incredibly powerful educational tool, but it seems that many have come to develop a negative relationship with it.
Rubrics and red ink seem...

October 12, 2023
What a Rat Has Taught Me About WritingHannah McFeeters | 2023-2024 Writing Center Graduate Assistant
As a lacrosse coach, an educator, and a Writing Center tutor, I have listened to people declare a multitude of "nots" and...

March 22, 2023
Teaching Professor Deanna Jenkins’ Advice to Nursing WritersHello, Nursing students!
Teaching Professor Deanna Jenkins joined Xavier’s ABSN faculty in 2021 as the Course Lead for Xavier’s Accelerated Bachelor Degree in Nursing Program....

April 10, 2022
Faculty Advice for English PapersIn this blog post, Professor Kelly Austin, a senior teaching professor in the English department, shares her advice for writing English papers. Specifically, Professor Austin provides her...

April 03, 2022
Faculty Advice for Communications PapersIn this latest edition of the Faculty Advice blog series, we have writing tips from Dr. Wendy Maxian, an associate professor and Chair from the Communications department. Below is her...

March 31, 2022
Faculty Advice for English PapersIn this blog post, we continue gathering writing tips from the perspectives of professors on campus. Dr. Stephen Yandell, an associate professor from the English department, shares his advice for...

March 29, 2022
Faculty Advice for Educational Administration PapersThis next installment of faculty writing tips is from Dr. Brett Burton. Dr. Burton is an assistant professor in the Education department and the Program Director for Educational Administration. In...

March 28, 2022
Faculty Advice for History PapersTo continue our journey of compiling writing tips from faculty, we have advice from an associate professor in the History department, Dr. Marita von Weissenberg. Below, Dr. von Weissenberg...

February 17, 2022
Faculty Advice for History and PPP PapersJoin me, a Writing Center graduate assistant, as we explore what constitutes good writing from the perspective of professors around campus. To kickstart this edition of the Writing Center blog, we...

November 12, 2019
Dr. Renea Frey's Advice to Freshman WritersHello, Fellow Writing Enthusiasts,
Meet Dr. Renea Frey! Dr. Frey joined Xavier’s faculty in 2015 and is the Writing Program Director and an Assistant Professor in the English...

November 11, 2019
Letter from the Editor Hello, Fellow Writing Enthusiasts!
My name is Taylor, and I am a graduate assistant at the Writing Center for the 2019-2020 academic year. I also am your editor for Freewrite,the Writing...

May 10, 2019
Celebrating the Writing Center's 30th Anniversary: In Our Founder's WordsOn college campuses, we frequently hear and speak the names of people we don’t know when referring to the buildings and centers honoring past professors, donors, and leaders. The Writing...

April 24, 2019
Celebrating the Writing Center's 30th Anniversary: In Our Own WordsThe Writing Center is proud to announce our 30th anniversary here on Xavier’s campus!
As part of our celebration, we are pleased to welcome back our blog, Freewrite, which has been on...

April 01, 2018
Thinking Outside the Formal Outlineby Liz Harris, Writing Center Tutor
We all remember first learning about-and instantly hating-formal outlines. For me, they always took so much effort to write, but never matched up with...

March 01, 2018
Get Hooked On Writing Introductionsby Morgan Doty, Writing Center Tutor
You have the prompt, and you've thought about what to write about, but how do you start? Everyone knows that papers follow a basic order-introduction, body,...

February 01, 2018
I Want to Be a Scientist. Why Do I Have to Take Writing?by Anjali Nelson, Writing Center Tutor
A common misconception is the idea that the subjects of Science and English could not be more different. In fact, some science majors might roll...

December 01, 2017
Writing When You Don't Want Toby Matt Alexander, Writing Tutor
Life is hard; so is writing. Both are especially hard when passion is lacking. Toward the end of the semester, it's hard to be enthusiastic even when you...

November 01, 2017
Reviewer vs. Writer: A Peer-Editing Prepperby Zenab Saeed, Writing Tutor
For many students, peer-editing day in an English class is met with polarized responses: some love it, whereas others hate it. Peer-editing, however, is an...

October 01, 2017
Step One: Find a Step OneBy Ethan Shuh, Writing Tutor
As students, we are often faced with the daunting task of taking a prompt that may be as little as one sentence and producing five, ten, even twenty pages of coherent...

September 01, 2017
Lend Me Your Peers: How to Make the Most of Peer Editing SessionsBy Andrew Koch, Writing Tutor
"And be sure to bring a draft of your paper for next week's class. We're having a peer review day."
(Internal groan)
Peer editing days are like Cincinnati weather:...

April 01, 2017
Summer Is Coming. Buy A Andrew Eggerding, Graduate Assistant
Summer break is the perfect time to take full advantage of the free time we are not always afforded as students: the time to have some fun, gain...

April 01, 2017
Take (Writing) Risks Before It's Too LateBy Tori Link, Writing Tutor
Now that it's the spring semester of my senior year, the time has finally come for me to give advice to younger students and share the pieces of venerated...

March 01, 2017
Sage Writing Advice from Xavier Faculty and a Lowly Writing Center Tutorby MacKenzie O'Kane, Writing Tutor
When I first came to Xavier, I thought I was an excellent writer and I didn't need anyone's help. I know now that I was sorely mistaken. I graduated...

February 01, 2017
The Importance of Writing with BrevityBy Sean Noble, Writing Tutor
Popular It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia character and personal role model Charlie Kelley once remarked, "Let me tell you, I side with Shakespeare on...

October 01, 2016
Writing PromptlyBy Zenab S., Writing Tutor
Following directions can be hard. Following directions that seem extremely specific or too vague can be even harder.
Though academic writing can be intimidating at first,...

October 01, 2016
Rocking that Rhetorical AnalysisBy: Rachel R., Writing Tutor
You enter the classroom chatting with your friend, but as you take a seat and look to the board, you groan. There are three words written in a crisp, clear, cursive:...

September 01, 2016
Can Factual Writing Be Fun?By Claire Crane, Graduate Assistant
Just as I remember the first novel that I drenched in highlighter and stuffed with reference post-it notes (The Scarlet Letter, if you're curious), I can...

May 01, 2016
Faking It? Reflections and Regrets from an Occasionally Insincere WriterBy Mark Anliker, Writing Tutor
I started tutoring at the Writing Center in the fall of 2013. Three years and several hundred sessions later, I'm ready to graduate this spring with degrees in...

April 05, 2016
How to Slay the Dragon Named Scientific WritingBy MacKenzie O., Writing Tutor
Imagine you are a valiant knight and your impending quest is to slay the dragon that has been terrorizing your fellow knights since anyone can remember. The dragon we...

March 01, 2016
Does Your Writing Carry Water?By Jessie Frank, Writing Tutor
Writing is hard. Writing well is even harder, especially considering all the elements that combine to make a reader step away from a piece thinking, "Wow, this was...

February 01, 2016
Reigniting a Passion for WritingBy Zenab S., Writing Tutor
Somewhere along the way, it seemed like writing started to become less exciting. Maybe it was because I didn't have ample opportunity to write poems or personal...

November 01, 2015
Write Like a ChameleonBy Taylor Roberts, Writing Tutor
Everyone possesses a unique writing style, but writing across genres requires a bit of adaptability on our part. We must decide how to best evoke a reaction from...

November 01, 2015
APA Style for the Busy StudentBy Sean Noble, Writing Tutor
There are an untold number of challenges that students face when transitioning from high school to college: the heightened academic expectations, living alone for the...

October 01, 2015
How to Write Enough Without the FluffBy Michaela Gibbs, Writing Tutor
Time: 11:59 PM.
Day: the day before an incredibly long essay is due.
You've tried every self-motivational technique: bargaining, anger, chocolate chip cookies from...

September 01, 2015
We Can All Become Better WritersBy Colleen O'Connell, Graduate Assistant
If you've spent in any time in the Writing Center or a tutor has visited one of your classes to talk about the Writing Center, there's a good chance you've...

May 01, 2015
Write Like You Mean ItBy Mark Anliker, Writing Tutor
Since before I can remember, my grandmother has been correcting me whenever she asks me how I'm doing. "I'm doing good!" I tell her enthusiastically as she arrives at...

April 01, 2015
Lend Me Your Peers: How to Make the Most of Peer Editing Sessions (From 2015)By Andrew Koch, Former Writing Tutor
This post was originally shared on April 9, 2015. It is one of our favorite and most relevant posts from the past. We like it so much we decided to...

March 01, 2015
New Blog-ginnings: a Debut Post from The GlennBy Colleen O'Connell, Graduate Assistant
It feels like just last week the air was frigid and the ground was powdery white...Oh, right. That's because it was cold and snowing last week. Spring...

March 01, 2015
First Impressions: The Challenge of Writing an IntroductionBy Tori Link, Writing Tutor
Since this is one of our first entries about writing in our new blog, I thought it would be fitting to talk about introductions. Writing a good introduction is a...