Student Involvement

Student Organization Privileges and Responsibilities



*These privileges do not apply to Student Working Groups and Limited Affiliation Groups. Limited Affiliation Groups are only eligible to reserve space on campus (including outdoors) and have access to promote events with the digital signage. Student Working Groups have access to privileges and resources provided by their respective department or office.

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As a student organization affiliated with Xavier University, your actions, events and standards of operating should best reflect the mission of the university, the mission of your organization, and the values and traditions of a Jesuit institution. In addition to this, a student organization also accepts the following responsibilities, including:

  • Maintaining registration throughout the year by keeping organization officer information updated and current in EngageXU and by completing an annual reregistration/reactivation for the organization with the Office of Student Involvement.
  • Following and complying with the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook (
  • Observing all laws, regulations and policies governing the various activities of the group
  • Attending an annual Student Organization Workshop*
  • Receiving approval from the Office of Student Involvement for
    • Fundraising activities, including the design of any printed or sold merchandise as well as the collection of donated materials
    • Trips and domestic travel off-campus, such as to conferences or service trips
    • Posting signs/flags outdoors on campus
    • Reserving outdoor event spaces
    • Reserving space in the Justice Atrium (the lobby outside Hoff Dining)
    • Providing alcohol at a student event
    • Movie or film screening
    • Political or lobbying activities 
    • Events that include a public speaker or performance group
    • Events that include a protest, rally, or form of public demonstration
  • Utilizing appropriate risk release (Assumption of Risk) paperwork when the organization is participating in a higher risk activities, extended distances of travel or extended lengths of time away from campus ( for more information)
  • Maintaining an active advisor for the organization and an active relationship with the advisor
  • Submitting completed and on time Mid Year and Year End Reports to the Office of Student Involvement*
  • Participating in student organization training opportunities provided by the Office of Student Involvement
  • Fulfilling an obligation to maximize the use of funding allocated from the Student Activity Fee to best benefit the student body*
  • Observing the end of programming deadlines each semester on the Friday night at midnight preceding a Finals Week, where no events or activities can take place until Finals Week has concluded

*Student Working Groups and Limited Affiliation Groups are not necessarily responsible for these points, however, both are encouraged to attend trainings and opportunities to develop their leadership and their understanding of policies and practices from the university.

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Once a club has been approved and recognized by the Student Government Association, they are considered activated. Clubs are required to maintain an active membership of at least 8 members, hold meetings on a regular basis, produce activities and events that are complementary to their mission statement, and comply with policies and procedures for forms and requests in the Office of Student Involvement.

Throughout the academic year, there are various steps that are required to maintain the activation, culminating in a process each spring to formally reactivate the club for the next academic year. This includes the following:

  1. Complete a Mid Year Report by the end of the fall semester due date
  2. Update your club's EngageXU profile with newly elected officers and advisor(s)
  3. Complete an Advisor Agreement Form each spring and when a new advisor joins the group
  4. Complete a Year End Report by the end of the spring semester due date
  5. *Submit a Budget Allocation Request for funding from SGA

In addition to these four steps, clubs often remain active by producing programs and events throughout the year. If a need for additional funding arises to support these activities, clubs can apply for the Student Organization Resource Fund (SORF).

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All clubs are required to complete a Mid Year Report (in December) and a Year End Report (in April) to be filed electronically through EngageXU with the Office of Student Involvement. These reports are built to capture information from student organizations related to their operations, progress on goals for the year, learning outcomes for club leaders, and feedback for the Office of Student Involvement. Reports must be completed by the current (or outgoing) president. Reports from any other club member or advisor will not be accepted.


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Throughout the year, if your primary club officers (President, Vice President or Treasurer) or your advisor changes, you should update your club's EngageXU page with the new information to reflect the most up-to-date contacts.

In the spring, every club will be contacted to formally reactivate for the next academic year and will be asked to review your club's EngageXU page and make any edits or updates to the group before the reactivation deadline. Officers within your EngageXU group can make these updates by logging into the system and going to the officers section making updates. 

If you are a new officer for your club but do not have access as an Administrator for your group's EngageXU page, please contact the Office of Student Involvement to give you access.

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All club advisors are asked to complete an Advisor Agreement Form. This form exists as an agreement between the advisor and the club but also between the advisor and the Office of Student Involvement.

These forms are annually renewed by existing advisors each spring as a part of the formal reactivation process; however, the form should also be resubmitted any time your club changes advisors. The form submitted online by the advisor, should also be digitally approved by the Club President. 

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SGA-recognized clubs are eligible to apply for an annual allocation from the Student Activity Fee through the SGA Club Budget Allocation Request process. This process takes place each spring allowing clubs to request funding to support their events and activities for the upcoming academic/fiscal year. In the spring, the SGA Student Organizations Committee will contact all existing clubs to explain the timeline and process for receiving an allocation.

Clubs that do not follow the timeline or make a late allocation request will be penalized.

*Submission of a Budget Allocation Request is optional for clubs based on the group's financial need for the upcoming year. Some clubs may not require any funding or any additional funding beyond their existing rolled over funds from the previous year.

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