Undergraduate Research in Mathematics

Senior Projects 2022

Cormac CalcaterraComplete Characterization of Compact 2-Manifolds, Advisor Dr. Daniel Otero


Jacob ClearLeibniz's Mathematical Contributions to the Calculus, Advisor Dr. Daniel Otero


Eric Filipiak - Divided Attention Tasks While Driving : Impacts of Cannabis and Alcohol, Advisor Dr. Ryan Miller


Ross Friar - Hypernetwork Science Applied to Treaty Datasets, Advisor Dr. David Gerberry


Rachel Imel - Solving Linear Systems by Digraphs and Applications to Electrical Circuits, Advisor Dr. Minnie Catral


Siemer Kara - Suicide Risk in Cincinnati Area Schools, Advisor Dr. Ryan Miller


Devin Konrad - Generalizing Pascal's Triangle to Acyclic Digraphs, Advisor Dr. Eric Bucher


Mary Lang - ?, Advisor Dr. Grigory Sokolov


Zach Lippe - Rainbow Graph Colorings, Advisor Dr. Esmeralda Năstase


Johnny Pecze - A Mathematical Model for COVID-19, Advisor Dr. Hem Raj Joshi


Gabby Sparro - A Study of Hill Ciphers, Advisor Dr. Minnie Catral


Vanel Stevy Kamdoum Tchoudja - Mathematics Meets Programming Language Theory: A Use of Type Theory in Type System Construction

In computer science, specifically in programming, there are structures that are called types. Type theory is a field of study that combines mathematical logic and computer science. In type theory, unlike in set theory, objects are classified using a primitive notion of type, similar to the data-types used in programming languages. In this talk, I will introduce some basic notions in type theory and walk through the process of using it to construct a system of types for programming languages.


Maggie Truit - Exploring Rectangular Tilings, Advisor Dr. Esmeralda Năstase