St. Ignatius Loyola:

The Founder of the Jesuits


Narrated by Ms. Ann Finefrock Hoffman, '75, Trustee since 2007 and National Chair of the Xavier University Alumni Board. (The Introduction can also be read here.)



A Biography - St. Ignatius Loyola: The Founder of the Jesuits
George Traub, S.J. and Debra Mooney, Ph.D.

Reflection Questions:

  • What experiences in St. Ignatius's early life helped him to be the leader that he was in the last 16 years of his life?
  • What are some key events (i.e., circumstances, decisions, coincidences) in my life that have led me to be the leader that I am today?
  • The founding Jesuits had not planned on becoming educators; when did I decide to become an educator?
  • Why did I accept the invitation to teach at Xavier University?

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