Offering veteran faculty the opportunity to think deeply on their professional activities and work-life experiences within an Ignatian context. Participants discuss an Ignatian theme [via videos narrated by S. Byrne, P Fiorelli, C. Dacey, G. Hurst, L. Kilbourne, T. Kessinger, and M. Sena] at each of seven meetings.
The Founding of the Society of Jesus:
St. Ignatius Loyola and the Educational Mission
Ignatian Spirituality:
The World is Charged with the Grandeur of God
Inspired Decision-Making:
Personal and Communal Discernment
Jesuit Core Values:
Whole Persons of Solidarity for the Real World
Jesuit Education:
Developing People of Competence and Compassion
The Jesuit Tradition in Today's World:
Gifts of Our Ignatian Heritage
Xavier University:
An Historical Perspective

Religious Pluralism and the Campus Community:
The Lived Experience of Nostra Aetate
This seminar was developed with support from an American Council on Education Sloan Award to Xavier University
To provide feedback, please email: jesuitresource@xavier.edu
Jesuitresource.org is developed by The Center for Mission and Identity at Xavier University with support from the Conway Institute for Jesuit Education. Learn more about Jesuit Resource.