Jesuit Education:

Developing People of Competence and Compassion


Narrated by Mr. Phil Gasiewicz, '68, Trustee since 2008. (The Introduction can also be read here.)


Characteristics of the Ignatian Vision
George Traub, S.J.

Jesuit "Products" are Persons of Quality
An excerpt from Jesuit Saturdays: Sharing the Ignatian Spirit with Lay Colleagues and Friends
William Byron, S.J.

Reflection Questions:

  • Which characteristic of the Ignatian Vision speaks most strongly to me? Why?
  • How do I support the development of people of competence and compassion?
  • Robert K. Greenleaf, author of Servant Leadership, encourages leaders to ask "To what extent does the university now reach [its] goals, at a reasonable level of excellence, with the students it now has, and with resources it now has?" (from the reading by W. Byron, SJ). How do I respond?

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