Schedule an Appointment
IMPORTANT: For same day appointments or if there are no available appointment slots at the requested time, please contact the office at 513-745-3022 option 3. We can work with your schedule and provide an appointment for the same day.
Scheduling requires creation of a TriHealth MyChart account. Please follow directions below to create or access to an existing account. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact the office and a member of our registration team would be happy to assist.
Additional appointments available during the evening and weekends by a TriHealth family nurse practitioner in close proximity to campus - Schedule an appointment at the TriHealth at Walgreens Clinic.
New TriHealth Mychart Account
- Access the TriHealth MyChart website.
- If you have not yet set up a MyChart account, select "Create a New Account."
- Enter all requested information and utilize your Xavier email address for account creation.
- If the last 4 digits of your SSN do not allow you to create an account, please enter "0000".
- If you continue to have trouble creating an account, contact the office at 513-745-3022 option 3 and the registration team will be able to activate your account for you.
- Once your account is created, please continue with the instructions below for existing accounts.
Existing TriHealth Mychart Account
- Access the TriHealth MyChart website.
- If you already have a TriHealth MyChart account, please select "Log in to MyChart."
- Enter username and password and sign in. I forget my username. I forget my password.
- On the home screen, select Menu>Schedule an Appointment>Select "XU Student Office Visit" button. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the screen for appropriate visit request.
- If the "XU Student Office Visit" button is not available, please contact 513-745-3022 option 3 to schedule appointment and to verify Xavier ID is included in your electronic medical record.