Health Advising

Course Requirements and Your Academic Path at Xavier

This guide will outline general admission requirements and how Xavier can help you prepare for a successful application for graduate programs in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, podiatry, optometry, pharmacy and physical therapy. 

Minimum Course Requirements for Medical School

Medical school admissions vary, but most require:

  • One year of Biology
  • One year of Physics
  • Two years of Chemistry (including Organic Chemistry)
  • One year of English

Important Note: Some schools may not accept Advanced Placement (AP) credit for these courses. Double-check requirements with your target schools.

Use the Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR), an annual guide by the AAMC, to find specific requirements for each school. Our Pre-Professional Health Advising office can also help navigate AP credit acceptance.

Choosing a Major

If you're aiming for medical school, it's crucial to choose a major that aligns with your career goals while giving you a solid foundation in the sciences. Majors like biology, chemistry, or biochemistry are particularly useful as they cover much of the necessary coursework for med school admissions.

Choosing Your Electives

Balance your science courses with electives that:

  • Develop your communication skills
  • Broaden your understanding of human existence
  • Challenge you – choose the most rigorous options you qualify for
  • Consider joining the University Scholars program – it demonstrates your desire for a challenging academic experience.

GPAs and Grades in Medical School Admissions

GPAs Matter, Especially in Science: Your GPA reflects your ability, motivation, time management, and potential for success in demanding programs.

General GPA Guidelines (4.0 scale):

  • Freshman pre-med/pre-dental: ~3.4
  • Junior pre-med: ~3.6
  • Junior pre-dental: ~3.3

Admissions committees also consider:

  • The number and difficulty of courses you take
  • Consistency in your grades
  • There are no strict GPA cut-offs, but strong grades are a major evaluation factor. A single low grade or semester doesn't disqualify you, but persistent struggles might require reevaluating your goals.