Health Advising

The Medical School Interview: What to Expect and How to Prepare

The Importance of the Interview

Your interview with a medical school representative is a crucial step in the admissions process. It happens after your application is complete and passes an initial screening. The admissions committee, composed of diverse faculty and staff, is looking for well-rounded individuals who will make excellent doctors.

The interview is your chance to convince the school you're the right fit, and for you to learn more about them. To help you prepare, the Health Sciences Committee offers mock interviews during spring semester of your junior year.

What to Expect During the Interview

Actual interviews can vary, but here's a general idea:

  • Format: Some interviews are "open-file" (interviewer has your application) while others are "closed-file" (interviewer knows little about you).
  • Focus: The interviewer will assess you in key areas like motivation, logical thinking, extracurricular activities, and more.

Areas Interviewers May Evaluate

  • Motivation: Why medicine? What influenced you? How has your experience affected your goals?
  • Logical Thinking: Can you analyze problems logically and consider different perspectives?
  • Extracurricular Activities: What are your interests? Have you made significant contributions?
  • Maturity: How do you handle major decisions and responsibilities?
  • Preparedness: Do you understand the demands of a medical career?
  • Open-Mindedness: Are you receptive to new information and changing your mind?
  • Sensitivity and Compassion: How do you demonstrate these qualities?
  • Goals: What are your goals beyond medical school? How do you define success?
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Be prepared to discuss both.
  • Knowledge of the Field: Are you familiar with current medical issues and trends?
  • Poise: Do you communicate clearly, professionally, and with confidence?
  • Sincerity: Be honest and genuine throughout the interview.

How to Prepare for the Interview

  • Self-reflection: Write honest answers to the questions above. This will help you understand your motivations and characteristics.
  • Practice: Participate in mock interviews offered by the Health Sciences Committee.
  • Research: Learn about the school and current issues in medicine.
  • Prepare closing statement: Think about what you want the interviewer to remember about you.

Additional Tips

  • Dress professionally and arrive on time.
  • Be courteous to everyone you meet.
  • If you feel an inappropriate question is asked, report it calmly to the Admissions Office.
  • By preparing thoroughly, you can make a strong impression during your interview and increase your chances of admission.