Integral Ecology & Sustainability

Daily Examen

An Ignatian Daily Examen on Glorifying the Living World

St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen is a peaceful, reflective prayer bringing forth awareness to the movement of God in our day. With the modern call to read the signs-of-the-times, thematic Examens have been created; this Examen guides reflection on your connection with the environment and the living world. Begin with a pause and a slow deep breath or two. Become aware that you are in the presence of the Holy.


     As I review my day, what aspects of the living world and my surroundings am I especially grateful for?

     Opening Petition

     As I review my bond with Our Common Home, I ask for the light to better know my place within God's creation.


     As I review my connections with nature - including people, plants, animals, air, food, waste, water, sun and             stars- what stirs in me?

          The sounds, sights, and tastes I have encountered ...

          The peace I received ...

          The learning I obtained ...

          The beauty of ...

          The actions I have initiated ...

          A challenge overcome ...

          The care I have shown ...

          The joy that I have experienced ...


     In light of my review, have I noticed God's presence in any of this?

     Closing petition adapted from a prayer in Laudato Si'

     All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smalelst of your creatures. You embrace           with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon me the power of your love, that I may protect life and               beauty.


     by Debra Mooney, Ph. D., Certified Laudato Si' Animator