Integral Ecology & Sustainability


Scholarship and Presentations 
by Xavier University Faculty and Staff


Dr. Lisa OttumBurnout: Cli-Fi and Exhaustion           Cli-Fi and Class: Socioeconomic Justice in Contemporary American Climate Fiction,           edited by D.J. Rosenthal et al., University of Virginia Press, 2023
Spectrality and Survivance: Living the Anthropocene           Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture & Environment, Sept. 2023
Feeling Nature, Reconsidered: Ecocriticism, Affect, and the Case of H Is for Hawk           Affect Theory and Literary Critical Practice: A Feel for the Text,           edited by S. Ahern, Palgrave Macmillan -London, 2019
Feeling Let Down: Affect, Environmentalism, and the Power of Negative Thinking           Affective Ecocriticism: Emotion, Embodiment, Environment,           edited by K. Bladow & J. Ladino, University of Nebraska Press, 2018
On (Not) Hugging Trees: Affect, Emotion, and Ecology in Wordsworth’s ‘Nutting’           Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory 2016
Wordsworth and the Green Romantics: Affect and Ecology in the Nineteenth Century
           with S. Reno, S University of New Hampshire Press, 2016


Dr. Kathleen Smythe

Educating for a Hope-Filled Future
           with C.V. Fosse Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal  2021
Whole Earth Living: Reconnecting Earth, History, Body and Mind
           Dixi Books, 2020
Ignatian Pedagogy for Sustainability: An Overview           with J.L Leighter,  Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal  2019
Bicycling Seminar and Ignatian Pedagogy for Sustainability.           Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal  2019
Mind-Body-History-Earth           Sustainability: The Journal of Record 2016
Sustainability and the Jesuit Mission
Presentation at the AJCU Leadership Seminar 2012


Dr. Suparna Chatterjee

Towards the Three Dimensions of Sustainability for International Research Team Collaboration: Learnings from the Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems Research Programme
with Rashieda, D., et al., Sustainability 2021
Articulating Globalization: Exploring the Bottom of the Pyramid Terrain           Organization Studies 2016


 Sarah Devine, Emily Franzen and Dr. Ann Ray

Efficacy of Trapping Protocols for Agrilus Jewel Beetles: A Multi-country Assessment
with Santoiemma, G….et al., Journal of Pest Science  2024


Dr. Supaporn Kradtap Hartwell

Green Analytical Chemistry: Teaching Towards Sustainable and Responsible Choices           Teaching to the Mission 2013


Dr. Anas Malik

Towards Muslim Engagement on the Ecological Crisis
Islamic Horizons 2015
Towards Muslim Engagement with Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si           Arc of the Universe, reposted under RealClearReligion, 2015


Anne McCarty  

I Can’t Breathe: There is No Climate Justice Without Racial Justice
           AJCU Ecology Educators 2020


Dr. Marcus Mescher

Beyond Slacktivism: A Culture of Encounter and Ecological Conversion through a Screen?           Journal of Catholic Social Thought 2016 


Dr. Debra Mooney

Cura Terrae: A 5th Care for Excellence in Jesuit Education           Presented at the AJCU’s Faith, Justice and Reconciliation Assembly; Loyola University-Chicago, 2024


Dr. John O’Keefe

The Last Prairie: A Documentary about the Nebraska Sandhills           Produced and directed for showing on Nebraska PBS, 2024


Dr. Justin Roush

Second-Best Prioritization of Environmental Cleanups            with LaRiviere, J., McMahon, M.  Environmental Resource Economics 2019


Dr. John Sniegocki  

The Implications of Solidarity for Food Ethics
The Journal of Social Encounters 2023


Dr. Kristine Suna-Koro

Postcolonially Bittersweet in America: Ecojustice and Sacramental Agency           Journal of Postcolonial Theory and Theology 2013


Tim Sundrup

Relationship Models Addressing Food Insecurity at NEXUS Community Garden and Urban Farm           with Severyn, T., & Peebles, D.  Presented at the Loyola University-Chicago Climate Change Conference, 2024


Dr. O’Neil Van HornOn the Ground: Terrestrial Theopoetics and Planetary Politics           Fordham University Press, 2023


Dr. Jeremy Steeves

Using Red Bike’s Data Dashboard to Compare Red Bike Monthly and Go Pass Members

              With McClintock, D. Presented at the Midwest Sustainability Summit


Tim Severyn

Native Tree and Shrub Giveaway: Building Community and Inspiring Ecological Conversion

              McCabe, K., Sundrup, T., Kloppenborg, T., & Niklewski, F. Presented at the Midwest Sustainability Summit