School of Education

P-5 Primary Education


To begin the admission process for the P-5 Primary Education cohort program, the student must meet with an academic advisor for transcript review and discussion of the program.

*In July 2024 Ohio will discontinue the P-3 license and all candidates will apply for the P-5 Primary License. Through academic year 2020-2021, the Early Childhood Generalist 4-5 endorsement will still be optional, but future cohorts will enter a new program for the P-5 license.

Call 513-745-3797 for an appointment. Please bring an official copy of transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate work to this meeting. This step is required for students seeking a teaching license in Primary or Middle Childhood Education. Candidates are required to show evidence of undergraduate course work in the following areas: with a grade of C or better in History, Science, Mathematics, and B or better in English composition.

Next the student must apply for admission to the MEd in Elementary Education.

  • EDFD 501 Introduction to Education (includes 50 hours of assigned field experiences) (3 credit hours)
  • EDEC 555 Early Childhood Care/Practices (includes field observation) (6 credit hours)
  • EDEL 251 Instructional Technology (3 credit hours)
  • EDRE 569 Phonics and the Foundations of Literacy (3 credit hours)
  • EDRE 512 Reading Methods/Early Childhood (3 credit hours)

While not required for licensure, the three courses that complete the Master of Education core may be taken at this time as well:

  • EDFD 500 History and Philosophy of American Education (3 hours)
  • EDFD 505 Organization of Education Systems in the United States (3 hours)
  • EDFD 507 Educational Research & Educational Research Paper (3 hours)

General Education Requirements

  • English Composition (3)
  • Mathematics (6)
  • Science (6)
  • History (3)

Primary Education Licensure Cohort Curriculum

General Eduation hours from undergraduate degree:

  • English Composition (3 credits); Literature (3 credits); History (3 credits); Mathematics (6 credits); and Sciences (6 credits).

6 Pre-requisites courses for admission into the graduate cohort would be:

  • EDFD 501(Introduction to Education), EDEL 652 (Culturally Responsive Teaching), EDEL 251 (Instructional Technology, EDRE 569 (Phonics), EDCH 524: (Children’s Lit), EDRE 512 (Reading Methods), and.

The courses in each column will need to be taken as co-requisites.

Summer Session I

  • EDEC 558: Art & Play
  • EDRE 678: Assessments

Summer Session II 

  • EDEC 555: Care and Practices (6 credit hours)
  • EDRE 671 Content Area Literacy
  • Take OAE 190

Fall Semester

  • EDEL 603: Math Content Block
  • EDEL 604: Science Content Block
  • EDEL 605: Language Arts Content Block
  • EDEL 606: Social Studies Content Block
  • EDEL 610: Field Internship, all content areas
  • EDEC 325: Observation and Assessment
  • Take OAE 055

Spring Semester

  • EDEL 654: Student Teaching Internship (Field experience, 9 credit hours)
  • EDEL 640: Student teaching Seminar
  • EDEL 651 (Instructional Strategies for EL)
  • P-5 Teaching license complete

EDFD 500, EDFD 505 and EDFD 507 to complete Master’s degree in Elementary Education. You must register and take the Master's Comprehensive Exam during your final semester of your master’s degree. A master’s degree is a total of 30 credit hours and can be completed when you complete the 21 graduate level courses in the program and the three courses listed at the start of this paragraph. YOU CAN COMPLETE YOUR MASTER’S DEGREE BEFORE YOU COMPLETE YOUR LICENSE.

Please contact the program chair if you have any questions.

Dr. Debora Kuchey
513-745-3714, Office; 513-703-1806, Cellular.

*Curriculum is subject to change.

Students must pass the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) Early Childhood Education/012 prior to student teaching and (OAE) Foundations of Reading/090* during the student teaching semester. Additional information on testing may be found at See also for test information regarding the endorsement in reading. New Primary OAE tests are under development by the Ohio Department of Education.

Application for the Primary P-5 license is made online through the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) upon completion of all requirements. The Ohio, Four Year Resident Educator License, Primary P-5 license from the ODE carries an effective date of July. Students seeking licensure in other states must first complete the Ohio license requirements.  Information on licensure is covered in detail during the student teaching semester.

*OAE 090 is under review by ODE.