Center for Faith and Justice | Campus Ministry

NEXUS Community Garden

The NEXUS Community Garden (Norwood-Evanston-Xavier Urban Sustainability) is a 34 plot community garden shared between the three communities. It is located just west of McGrath Health and Wellness Center and east of the Cohen lot on Cleneay Avenue.

NEXUS is a unique project aimed at engaging Norwood and Evanston residents alongside Xavier University students, faculty, and staff to grow food, learn about sustainable living, and build community on common ground. From mid-March through October each year, NEXUS serves as a hub of experiential learning and community engagement. Workshops, work days, and community building events are scheduled throughout the season and are open and free for gardeners and the general public.

NEXUS is grateful to the following offices and organizations for their generous support: City of Cincinnati Safe and Clean Neighborhood Fund, Women of Excellence Giving Circle, Urban Harvest, Al Neyer, Inc., Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, Evan's Landscaping, Xavier University's Physical Plant, Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice, Center for Mission and Identity, and the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati.

Want to get involved?

Plot applications are available annually. Plots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Even without a plot, though, you're still invited to be involved. Come to an event or a workshop, donate your time, bring a group for a tour, design a mutually beneficial collaborative project, or just plan a meeting or come enjoy lunch in our shaded picnic area. The possibilities are endless!