Center for Faith and Justice | Campus Ministry

Service and Justice

Collage of XU Student VolunteersOur Approach

Our Jesuit tradition calls us to respond to today's complex social problems, and to act as men and women for and with others. In that directive is the implicit call to stand in solidarity with those who have been marginalized by society. At the CFJ we take this very seriously and work to bring the XU community together to promote the peaceful advancement of social justice in our communities and our world.

The CFJ facilitates service, immersion, and other experiential learning opportunities to deepen students' commitment to their local and global neighbors. You might be a student looking to volunteer or learn about justice, you might be an organization looking for volunteers, or you might be a person who works at Xavier looking to support this work. Check out the option to the left to see what is right for you. Not sure? Contact Shannon Hughes.