Center for Faith and Justice | Campus Ministry


The Magis Society

Magis Society group photo

Magis is the Latin for "more" or "better" or "deeper."

Keep Growing: Your journey of personal growth doesn't end when you leave Xavier. Being in the Magis Society will give you opportunities to continue asking life's critical questions through reflections from other members and current CFJ staff. You will have access to future evenings of reflection and alumni retreats.

Stay Connected: Your time with CFJ programs as an undergraduate student at Xavier gave you a deep sense of community, organized around the important stuff in life. Don't let that kind of community end there. Through the Magis Society, you can stay connected with the kinds of people who made your Xavier experience what it was and you'll also get opportunities to grow that network once you leave. We'll help you network with other people and organizations in your field and provide opportunities to get organized for common causes wherever you find yourself in the great big world out there.

Give Back: Just by virtue of the fact that you have been formed in big and small ways by the CFJ, you have a unique opportunity to support that same kind of transformation for future generations of Xavier students. Help students find their own path toward making their own lives better and the world around them better through your support. Donate your time and talent or support students financially through new and existing programs of the CFJ and together we'll cultivate leaders who will join our movements for good in the years to come.

Check out our list of current Magis Members. Read about the CFJ Board of Advisors.

Are you a Xavier graduate who was involved in our programs? Want to join the Magis Society network?

Join Magis Society

Connections for Current Magis Society Members

Current Magis Society Members group photo

The CFJ Blog highlights pieces written by Magis Society members as well as current students and staff focused on themes related to faith and justice in everyday life, community, and society. If you are doing something cool in the world or have wisdom to share from your post XU experience with a larger audience, we would love for you to contribute. Instructions found here.

Join the CFJ Magis Society Facebook Group to stay up-to-date on current happenings in the network, share links to what is captivating your attention, and reminisce about your time at Xavier.

Be a member of the CFJ Magis Society LinkedIn community. Get access to job postings, professional development articles and more.

Magis Member Spotlight: Antronette Black '16

Antronette Black photo

Antronette Black currently serves as the Site Director for the Champions after-school program at E.H. Greene middle school where she runs enrichment activities and programs for middle school kids. This role keeps her plenty busy, but she will also be beginning a second role as the Program Director for Future Leaders OTR. In this new role she will co-create curriculum for a leadership development and enrichment program with seventh to twelfth graders in Over-the-Rhine. She will also serve as a community youth liaison, attending OTR community council meetings and recruiting students for the leadership program. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Antronette earned her Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Xavier in 2016. She hopes to one day open her own non-profit serving youth. Read her blog post Thoughts on Race on the CFJ blog.