Escorcia Lab Events

September 21
Lipid deregulation and genomic instability in cancersInvited talk presented by Wilber Escorcia
Main Student Contributors:
Fall 2023 Seminar Series in DNA Repair and Genome Stability at the University of Southern California, Molecular and Computational Biology Section, Los Angeles, CA
September 8
Comprehensive analysis of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 mutations in human cancersInvited poster presented by Julia Driggers and Kylie Lawson
Main Student Contributors:
Inaugural Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Cryo-EM Symposium Presented by the Center for Advanced Structural Biology (CASB) at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
AUGUST 13-17
HPLC-based quantification of creatinine and ketamine in C. elegans: A novel approach for studying excretory function and drug metabolismInvited poster presented by Lance Kuo-Esser
Main Student Contributors:
American Chemical Society Fall 2023 Meeting in San Francisco, CA
MAY 18-21
Comprehensive analysis of CYP2D6 mutations in human cancersInvited talk presented by Kennedy Kuchinski
Invited associated poster presented by Kennedy Kuchinski and Julia Driggers
Main Student Contributors:

2023 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Meeting in St. Louis, MO
Morphological effects of caffeine and creatine on Caenorhabditis elegans
Invited poster presented by Lance Kuo-Esser
Student Contributors:

2023 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Meeting in St. Louis, MO
MAY 1-2
The contribution of lipid regulators Sre1 and Dga1 to the genotoxic stress response in fission yeastInvited talk presented by Wilber Escorcia
Main Student Contributors:
2023 Midwest Aging Consortium Symposium at Iowa State University in Ames, IA
MARCH 26-28
Effect of lipid deregulation on genomic stability during biological agingInvited seminar presented by Wilber Escorcia
Main Student Contributors:
Spring 2023 Seminar Series in Human and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Souther California in Los Angeles, CA
Lipid regulation by Dga1, Cut6, and Sre1 contribute to the genotoxic stress response in fission yeastInvited talk presented by Wilber Escorcia
Main Student Contributors:
The Gerontological Society of America 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting in Indianapolis, IN
Analysis of DGAT2 mutations reveals potential links between cancer and lipid droplet deregulationInvited poster presentation given by Meghan Graber and Hayley Barta
Main Student Contributors:

Meghan Graber, Hayley Barta, Martin Vo, and Mauricio Dominguez
The Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting in Phoenix, AZ