Accessibility and Disability Resources

Exam Accommodations

Eligibility for exam accommodations will be determined during the Accommodation Planning Meeting. We provide several exam accommodations, including but not limited to the following:

  • Additional time on exams/quizzes (including online versions)
  • Take exams/quizzes in an environment with reduced distractions
  • Use of text-to-speech technology 
  • Use of a calculator
  • A reader or scribe
  • Use of a computer

Note: We are not able to modify exams by reducing the number of questions or multiple-choice options. You will be taking the same exam as your classmates.

As a student using exam accommodations, you will need to sign up to take exams in the Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources (ADR). To take exams in the ADR, students are required to sign up in advance, giving us at least a week of notice before the exam date.

Students can sign up by logging into AIM 

Please review the Test Taking Guidelines for more detailed information on your responsibilities as a student using exam accommodations.

As part of your request for accommodations each semester, you will meet with Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources staff and together can identify any concerns regarding taking exams in the Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources.


The Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources is committed to fostering an accessible campus environment and promoting awareness to the Xavier Community on disabilities, access and inclusion.

Test(s) refers to all exams, quizzes, tests or other similar assessments.

Prior to Scheduling

Before scheduling your test with Accessibility and Disability Resources:

  1. Speak with your professor to review and share your Accommodation Letter (Course Accessibility Plan).
  2. To address questions you may have during the test, ask the instructor to include contact information so Accessibility and Disability Resources can contact the professor on your behalf. We also will ask for this information.

Your professor will provide Accessibility and Disability Resources the test administration details, which include:

  • The day and time the professor expects you to take the test.
  • How much time the class will receive to complete the test so we can accurately calculate your extended time.
  • If a calculator, notes, or books, etc. are allowed during the test.

Testing Guidelines

  • You must take the test at the same time the class is scheduled to take the test unless there is a class time conflict.
  • Any day or time change to the test will require professor and Accessibility and Disability Resources approval.
  • Makeup tests follow the same procedures and require a five business day notice.
  • You must have permission from your professor prior to scheduling the makeup test.
  • Your professor will be notified of the day and time you scheduled to take your test.
  • The completed test will be delivered to your professor.

Scheduling Tests in Accessibility and Disability Resources

  • Students must sign up for tests at least five (5) business days in advance.
  • Pop quizzes can be arranged by contacting the Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources.


Final Exams:

  • Due to the increase of exams during finals week our office requires students to sign up to take their exams through ADR well in advance of 5 business days. This ensures adequate space for testing.
Test Sign Up Due Dates
If your test is on... Sign up by 5 PM on...
Monday Monday (of the previous week)
Tuesday Tuesday (of the previous week)
Wednesday Wednesday (of the previous week)
Thursday Thursday (of the previous week)
Friday Friday (of the previous week)

How to Sign Up for Tests:


Late Sign Ups:

Without a five (5) business day notice, we cannot guarantee we will be able to proctor your test.

Day of the Test

Arrive at Accessibility and Disability Resources a few minutes prior to the time you are scheduled to start your test.

Testing Guidelines

  • Bring your student ID with you each time you take a test.
  • Cell phones, Smart Watches and any unauthorized devices and materials are NOT allowed in the testing areas. Please make sure to leave all unauthorized items outside of the testing areas and on silent. We are required to inform your professor if you are found using unauthorized materials during your test.
  • Coats, jackets and hats are not permitted in the testing areas.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the testing areas.
  • If you experience any problems or have concerns during testing, please inform the test proctor or exit the testing room and find a staff member to assist you.

Late Arrival

  • Your test time begins at the time it was scheduled to begin.
  • Your professor will be notified if you do not show for your scheduled test.
  • All academic policies are in effect. If there are is any academic dishonesty, or suspicion of dishonesty, the test will be confiscated immediately and returned to the professor.

Standards of Student Conduct

Xavier University Standards of Student Conduct are applicable to all students testing in the Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources. Violation of the Standards of Student Conduct may subject the student to the Student Conduct Process.

Emergency Procedures

  1. In the event that there is a building evacuation during testing:
    1. Leave all testing materials in the testing room.
    2. When the all clear is given to re-enter the building, return to the department.
    3. Arrangements will be made to complete your test if there is not enough time after the evacuation or if the disruption creates a situation not conducive to finishing.


When the fire alarms signal, immediately evacuate the building using the closest exit.

A Accessibility and Disability Resources staff person will be present to assist with evacuation procedures.

If you are unable to use the stairs, you will go to the nearest stairwell with a staff person and wait with a staff person who will stay with you while emergency personnel are being notified.