Accessibility and Disability Resources

Notetaking Accommodations

If note taking assistance is an accommodation you are eligible to receive, your letter of eligibility will indicate it. If you think you are eligible for this accommodation but do not know, please contact 513-745-3280 or to schedule an appointment.

Note taking assistance may be provided through shared peer notes or through technology and training to take notes independently. This will be determined during your Accommodation Planning Meeting with the understanding that your needs may change as you matriculate.

For students with note taking accommodations, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to evaluate options, train on technology, or review note taking skills. You can schedule an appointment at or 513-745-3007.

Interpreting / captioning or assistive listening devices are also available as a separate accommodation for students who are deaf or hard of hearing to provide access to lectures.

How To Request a Notetaker 

If you've been approved to receive peer notetaking services, please follow the steps below. 

  1. Access AIM
    1. Use Single Sign On to access your account, if prompted.
    2. If you encounter an error or your classes/accommodations are not correct, please contact Accessibility and Disability Resources.
  2. Check boxes for the courses you wish to request notetaking accommodations for.
  3. Select 'Notetaking Services'.
  4. Click on the "Submit Your Accommodation Requests" button to finish.

Accessing Peer Notes

  1. You will receive an email from Accessibility and Disability Resources once a peer notetaker has been assigned to your course.
  2. Access AIM, using Single Sign On if prompted. 
  3. Navigate to 'Notetaking Services' on the left-hand menu. 
  4. Download your notes.
Each time your notetaker uploads notes to the AIM site, you will receive an email notification. If your notes are insufficient or inadequate, please contact the Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources.