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Advising Reflection Questions

Some questions to consider for advising appointments, adapted from an Advising Examen by Julie O’Hara

Personal wellbeing

  • What is most on your mind today, this week, month, semester?
  • How are you getting involved and connecting on campus?
  • How supported do you feel on and off campus from family, friends, faculty, and staff?  ​
  • What are you doing to take care of your mental and physical health?
  • Are you getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising?
  • Do you need help with food, transportation, clothing, health care, safety or other needs?
  • What are you most excited and hopeful about for the future?
  • What are you most concerned about?


  • What interests you in your major and why?
  • Are you considering changing your major? If so, why?
  • Are you considering a minor, double-major, or study abroad option? What interests you in this pursuit?   ​
  • What classes are you enjoying or learning the most from?  
  • What are you struggling with or what might you dislike about your classes?
  • Do you know how to use DegreeWorks to track degree progress?
  • Are you on track to graduate?
  • Which courses are you planning to take in the next semester or two?
  • What are you planning for your summers and how they can help you progress? ​
  • What do you see as barriers to your success?
  • What are your strengths and resources to support your success?

Vocational discernment and development

  • What internships, research, service opportunities, or travel have you done at Xavier?
  • Which ones would you like to pursue and why?
  • Can you tell me about any new skills you would like to gain? (For example, language skills, coding, writing, social media, math, creative expression, research, etc.)
  • What ways to serve the world’s needs bring you ​the most joy? Where do you feel called to use your gifts, talents, and experiences to contribute to the greater good?

After Xavier and career

  • What are you considering for your post-graduate work or future career?
  • What are you doing to gain experience in post-graduate work or build your resume? Are you shadowing or volunteering?   ​
  • Have you visited the Career Development Office yet? Have you taken any of their career or self assessments?
  • Have you transitioned from a high school to a college resume? If not, please see the Career Development Office to have them help.
  • Do you feel supported in your career exploration/development? How can Xavier better support you in career exploration and achievement?
  • Do you have a professional network or mentor to connect you to your future goals? Have you participated in any mentoring programs, such as the Professional or Flash mentoring offered by Career Development?  ​