Volume VIII
Xavier Journal of Politics, Vol. VIII (2018-19)
Research Papers
Ryan Kambich, Civic Incompetence: Proletarianization and our Impoverished Public Life, 1-16.
Kyle Chaulk, Campaigning for the Future: Voter Turnout and the Effectiveness of Campaigns, 17-34.
Paula van der Sluys, The Nature of Politicians’ Tweets During a Disaster, 35-45.
Evan Yahng, The Impact of Ruling Party on Income Inequality, 46-51.
Research Designs
Daphne Wilson, Social Justice in U.S. Energy Policy: Where Justice Isn’t Always Just, 52-66.
Essays and Short Papers
Evan Yahng, The Hamilton County Clerk of Courts’ Office and a National Interpretation Shortage, 67-72.
Devi Jagadesan, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & the Developing Definition of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, 73-78.
Dylan Cahalan, Law as the Saving Grace of the City, 79-82.
Reyna Grundy, The Future of Revolution, 83-89.
Academic Posters
Kyle Chaulk, Obama Voters and the Election of 2016, 90.
Michael Rauber, Pipeline Theory, 91.