Xavier Journal of Politics

Xavier Journal of Politics - Volume IX (2020)


Christo Fosse. 2020. "Restorative Justice: the Politics and Philosophy of an Alternative Approach to Criminal Justice." Xavier Journal of Politics IX: 1-12. 

Sydney Sanders.  2020.  "Measuring the Success of Quotas by Substantive Representation: the Case of Ireland." Xavier Journal of Politics IX: 13-28. 

Ryan Kambich.  2020.  "The Political Economy of Capital Controls: Alesina, Grilli, & Melisi-Ferretti Revisited."  Xavier Journal of Politics IX: 29-43.

Sophie Boulter. 2020.  "Globalization and Nationalism in England, Scotland, and Wales." Xavier Journal of Politics IX: 44-66. 

Miles Tiemeyer.  2020.  "The Goal of the City: Did the Construction of the Northeast Expressway Lead to More Integration in Evanston?Xavier Journal of Politics IX: 67-81.

The Xavier Journal of Political Science (XJOP) is the official undergraduate journal of the Department of Political Science at Xavier University. XJOP is published on an annual basis by Xavier University and articles are available online at www.xavier.edu/xjop. For information, please contact the Department of Political Science at 513-745-3017 or e-mail Dr. Mack Mariani at marianim *at* xavier.edu.




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