The Williams College of Business

Registration Steps

Steps to register* 

1. Submit this application:

StudioAbroad Application Submission

Study Abroad Approval Form

2. Submit a non-refundable trip deposit via Studio Abroad.

This amount does go toward the overall travel fee for the trip as posted for each location including the application fee incurred through the Center for International Education.  The remaining cost of the travel fees will go on your bursar bill less the deposit amount (not including the $100 app fee). Deposits are made via the online payment system on the student Hub.  Go to the "pay my bill link" on the hub or via the self-service box under "my bursar" to make a payment and select the correct trip in the list.  Funds cannot be accepted by the MBA office directly.

The deposit is used to pay for your space and book ground and flight itineraries.  If you decide not to participate in the trip after the registration deadline as noted above, this money will be used to pay late drop fees for ground and air reservations and will not be returned to you.  If you drop after accommodations are booked, there is a chance you will be charged additional funds beyond the deposit amount.  This is due to early deadlines from vendors of travel accommodations - hotels, airlines, ground transportation, etc... - that will not refund fees after a certain time.  If you need to drop for medical reasons, often a note from a physician confirming the need can be used to attempt for a larger or full refund from a drop deadline from a vendor (but not always).

**Please note that since the trip fees are billed through the Bursar, financial aid assistance is available**

 3.  Gasiewicz Scholarship Application (optional).

Questions on paperwork and the application process may be directed to the trip leader.